Simulation and modeling - Old Questions
12. Name the entities, attributes, activities, events, and state variables for the following system:
a. Cafeteria
b. Inventory
c. Banking
d. A
hospital emergency room
e. Communication
AI is thinking...
a. Cafeteria
Entities: customer, cashier, waiter
Attributes: hungry, hurried
Activities: take orders, collect payments, dispatch orders
Events: arrival and departure of customer, lack of raw material, faults in the equipment
State variables: number of occupied tables, number of orders per table, number of customers waiting for attention
b. Inventory
Entities: Warehouse
Activities: Withdrawing
Events: Demand
State variables: Levels of inventory, background
c. Banking
Entities: Customers
Attributes: Checking-account balance
Activities: Making deposits
Events: Arrival, departure
State variables: Number of busy tellers, number of customer waiting
d. A hospital emergency room
Entities: doctor, nurse, patient, equipment
Attributes:safe, expert in his/her science, intelligent, responsible
Activities: vaccinate, feed the patient, administering medicines, heal the wounds
Events: lack of medicines, lack of staff, lack of beds, arrival and departure of patients.
State variables: number of patients, amount of administrated medicines, number of empty beds, number of registerd cases.
e. Communication
Entities: Messages
Attributes: Length, destination
Activities: Transmitting
Events: Arrival at destination
State variables: Number waiting to be transmitted