Simulation and modeling - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

7.  Describe the rejection method of generating the random numbers.

5 marks
Asked in 2072


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The rejection method for obtaining samples of random numbers forms a given non-uniform distribution works by generating uniform random numbers repeatedly and accepting only those numbers that meet certain conditions.

The rejection method is applied when the probability density function, f(x), has a lower and upper limit to its range, 'a' and 'b', respectively, and an upper bound 'c'. The method can be specified as follows:

1. Find the maximum value c of f(x) on a   b.

        f(X)    x  [a, b]

2. Compute two values μ1μ2 of the uniformity distributed variables, both defined on [a, b] = [0, 1].

3. Compute x0 = a + μ1(b - a)

4. Compute y0 = c μ2

5. If y0 ≤ f(x0), accept x0 as desired output; otherwise reject x0 and repeat the process with two next values μ1  μ2.