Simulation and Modelling - Old Questions
9. Define traffic intensity and server utilization. Write down the Kendall’s notation for queuing system with example.
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Traffic Intensity
The ratio of the mean service time to the mean inter arrival time is called traffic intensity. I.e. u= λ"Ts or u=Ts/Ta
Server Utilization
Server utilization is the percentage of the time that all servers are busy. Server utilization factor (ρ ) is the ratio of average arrival rate (λ) to the average service rate (μ).
ρ = λ/μ in the case of a single server model
ρ = λ/μn in the case of a “n” server model
Kendall's notation
Kendall’s notation is used for parallel server systems. The basic format of this notation is of form: A / B / c / N / K, where, A, B, c, N, K respectively indicate arrival pattern, service pattern, number of servers, system capacity, and Calling population.
The symbols used for the probability distribution for inter arrival time, and service time are, D for deterministic, M for exponential (or Markov) and Ek for Erlang.
a) M/D/2/5/∞ stands for a queuing system having exponential arrival times, deterministic service time, 2 servers, capacity of 5 customers, and infinite population.
b) M/D/2 means exponential arrival time, deterministic service time, 2 servers, infinite service capacity, and infinite population.