Simulation and Modelling - Old Questions
13. List out the entities, attributes, activities and events for Banking, Communication, Production, Inventory and Supermarket systems.
AI is thinking...
a. Banking
Entities: Customers
Attributes: Checking-account balance
Activities: Making deposits
Events: Arrival, departure
b. Communication
Entities: Messages
Attributes: Length, destination
Activities: Transmitting
Events: Arrival at destination
c. Production
Entities: Machines
Attributes: Speed, capacity, breakdown rate
Activities: welding, stamping
Events: Breakdown
d. Inventory
Entities: Warehouse
Attributes: Capacity
Activities: Withdrawing
Events: Demand
State variables: Levels of inventory, background
e. Supermarkets
Entities: Customers, cashier, salesperson
Attributes: Faster, reliable, responsible, punctual, skilled in sales
Activities: sell product, fill displays, organize the supermarket carts
Events: Arrival and departure of customers, reception of products, lack of products