Simulation and Modelling - Old Questions
6. What is non-stationary Poisson process? How can we convert it into a stationary Poisson
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The non-stationary Poisson process is a Poisson process for which the arrival rate varies with time. More specifically, it can be defined as follows:
The counting process N(t) is a non-stationary Poisson process if:
a) The process has independent increments.
Where, λ(t) = the arrival rate at time t
dt = differential sized interval
The definition is identical to the stationary Poisson process, with the exception that the arrival rate, λ(t), is now a function of time.
A counting process N(t) is a stationary Poisson process with rate λ if
a) The process has independent increments.
b) The process has stationary increments. and
A non-stationary Poisson process can be transformed into a stationary Poisson process with arrival rate 1.