Web Technology - Old Questions

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1.  Explain the architectural issues of web layer with example.

10 marks
Asked in 2075


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The web layer is also referred to as the UI layer. The web layer is primarily concerned with presenting the user interface and the behavior of the application (handling user interactions/events). While the web layer can also contain logic, core application logic is usually located in the services layer. The three Layers within the Web Layer are:

HTML-The Content Layer: The content layer is where you store all the content that your customers want to read or look at. This includes text and images as well as multimedia. It's also important to make sure that every aspect of your site is represented in the content layer. That way, your customers who have JavaScript turned off or can't view CSS will still have access to the entire site, if not all the functionality.

CSS - the Styles Layer: Store all your styles for your Web site in an external style sheet. This defines the way the pages should look, and you can have separate style sheets for various media types. Store your CSS in an external style sheet so that you can get the benefits of the style layer across the site.

JavaScript - the Behavior Layer: JavaScript is the most commonly used language for writing the behavior layer; ASP, CGI and PHP can also generate Web page behaviors. However, when most developers refer to the behavior layer, they mean that layer that is activated directly in the Web browser - so JavaScript is nearly always the language of choice. You use this layer to interact directly with the DOM or Document Object Model.

Benefits of separating the layers are:

  • Shared resources
  • Faster downloads
  • Multi-person teams
  • Accessibility
  • Backwards compatibility