Computer Fundamentals and Applications 2021

Tribhuwan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Bachelor of Computer Applications
Course Title: Computer Fundamentals and Applications
Code No: CACS101
Semester: First Semester
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to answers the questions in their own words as far as possible.

Group B

Attempt any SIX questions:

2. What is computer interface? Describe a mainframe computer's essential feature.
5 marks view

3.What kind of programs fall under the utility category? Describe a utility program you have on your computer.

5 marks view

4. What role does the operating system plays in managing resources? Give an example to illustrate.

5 marks view

5. Who supervise the databases in the organization? What tasks and obligations are under the scope of the database administrator.

5 marks view

6. Using a suitable example, describe how a network might lower office overhead.

5 marks view

7. Write down characteristics and applications of laser printer.

5 marks view

8. How would you describe web architecture? Give an illustration of how data flows in a web architecture.

5 marks view

Group C

Attempt any two questions.

9.(a) What is softcopy device? Explain the working mechanism and applications of the OMR.

   (b) Write DOS Commands to perform following task:

            i) To create the TU directory at the current prompt.

            ii) To display the tree view structure of the files and folders included with the TU directory.

            iii) To remove the BCA and MCA (non-empty folders) from the current prompt.

            iv) To locate the IP address of your computer in the network.

            v) To discover the presence of a remote device on the network.

10 marks view

10. a) What is ambient reality? How it differs from augmented reality?

      b) Why is the Healing Brush Tool useful? Describe how to use Photoshop to create your ID-Card.

10 marks view

11. a) "An essential software component of a computer system is the operating system." What fundamental capabilities are offered to a user by an operating system?

b) What does the phrase"interactive multimedia"mean? Describe the components of multimedia.

10 marks view