Economics Model Question

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question
Bachelor Level / Second Semester / Science
Information Technology ( Na )
( Economics )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours

Group A

Attempt any TWO.     [2x10=20]

1. Define elasticity of demand. Discuss the relationship between total expenditure and price elasticity of demand. 

10 marks view

2. What is indifference curve? How can a consumer will attain an equilibrium under indifference curve approach? 

10 marks view

3. Distinguish between GDP and GNP. Describe various problems of measuring national income in developing countries like Nepal.

10 marks view

Group B

Attempt any EIGHT.         [8x5=40]

4. Describe briefly society’s production possibility curve. 

5 marks view

5. Suppose a demand schedule is given as below:


    a. Workout with elasticity for fall in price from Rs. 80 to Rs. 60.

    b. Calculate elasticity for the increase in price from Rs. 60 to Rs. 80.

    c. Why is the elasticity coefficient in part a) different from that in b)?

5 marks view

6. The cost and output of a firm is as below:

From this information find out

    i. AFC of producing 3 units

    ii. AVC of producing 4 units

    iii. Least AC level of output

    iv. MC of producing 5 units and

    v. TVC of producing 6 units 

5 marks view

7. Demand and cost function faced by a firm is given as

        P = 12 – 0.4 Q

        C= 5 + 4Q + 0.6Q2

    Find the equilibrium price, quantity, total revenue, total cost and total profit which maximizes profit of the firm.

5 marks view

8.Discuss the government intervention in the market through price floor, price ceiling and tax and effect.

5 marks view

9. Describe the tools of monetary policy.

5 marks view

10 What are the properties of Iso-quant?

5 marks view

11. Explain centralized cartel.

5 marks view

12. Find the gross domestic product at market prices from following data.

5 marks view