Fundamentals of Computer Programming 2065

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / First Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC-102 )
( Fundamentals of Computer Programming )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions:

1. Draw the flow chart for finding largest of three numbers and write an algorithm and explain it.

6 marks view


1.  Start

2.  Input A,B,C

3.  If (A>B) and (A>C) then print “A is greater”.

Else if (B>A) and (B>C) then print “B is greater”.

Else print “C is greater”.

4.  Stop



2. Find the value of “a” in each of the following statements:

int i=3 , j=4 ,k=8

float a=4.5 ,b=6.5,c=3.5

(a) a = b- i/k +c/k

(b) a = (b-k)/j + (j + c)/k

(c) a = c-(( i + j)/(k + i))*b

(d) a = c – i + j / k+ i * b

(e) a = c + j % 2 +b

(f) a = (b + 1) % (c + 1).

6 marks view

a) a = b-i/k+c/k = 6.5-3/8+3.5/8 = 6.5-0+0.4375 = 6.9375

b) a = (b-k)/j+(j+c)/k = (6.5-8)/4+(4+3.5)/8 = 0.5625

c) a = c-((i+j)/(k+i))*b = 3.5-((3+4)/(8+3))*6.5 = 3.5-0*6.5 = 3.5

d)  a = c-i+j/k+i*b = 3.5-3+4/8+3 *6.5 = 3.5-3+0+19.5 = 0.5 + 19.5 = 20

e) a = c+j%2+b = 3.5+4%2+6.5 = 3.5+0+6.5 = 10

f) a = (b+1)%(c+1) = (6.5+1)%(3.5+1) = 7.5%4.5 = Not valid

3. Write a program for the interest charged in installments for following case. A cassette player costs Rs. 2000. A shopkeeper sells it for Rs. 100 down payment and Rs. 100 for 21 more months. What is the monthly interest charged?

6 marks view



void main()


float c_price, t_price, t_interest, m_interest;         //cost price, total price, total interest, monthly interest


t_price=100+(100*21);        //down payment  Rs. 100 and  Rs. 100 for 21 installments

t_interest=(t_price - c_price)/c_price*100;

m_interest=t_interest/22;        //payment is for 22 months

printf("\\nThe  monthly interest  charged  is %f", m_interest);     //result is  0.45% per month



4. Write a program that uses a “for” loop to compute and prints the sum of a given numbers of squares.

6 marks view
int main()
  int i, n, sum=0;

  printf("Enter n value: ");
  scanf("%d", &n);

  for(i=0; i<=n; i++)
     sum += (i*i);

  printf("Sum of squares of first %d natural numbers = %d", n, sum);
  return 0;

5. Write a program to obtain the product of the following matrices and explain it:

6 marks view



void main()


     int a[3][3]={{3,5,7},{2,-3,4,{4,5,2}};

     int b[3][2]={{7,6},{6,-5},{4,3}};

     int i, j, k, c[3][2];
















           printf("%d", c[i][j]);






6. Write a function to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two complex numbers (x +iy) and (c + id).

6 marks view

7. Write a program which will read a line and delete from it all occurrences of the word


6 marks view

8. What is a pointer and explain its applications? Write a program that uses pointers to copy an array of double.


Define a pointer. Write a function that is passed an array of n pointers to the maximum of the floats.

6 marks view

9. Define a structure of employee having data members name, address, age, and salary. Take data for employee in an array dynamically and find the average salary.

6 marks view

10. Given a text file, create another text file deleting the following words “three”, “bad”, and “time”.


Why do you require graphical function? Explain the basic graphical function with suitable program.

6 marks view