Introduction to Information Technology - Unit Wise Questions

Unit 1: Introduction to Computer
4 Questions

1. What are the main functions of Digital computer? Draw and explain the block diagram of Digital computer.

10 marks | Asked in 2078

2. List and describe the characteristics of the computer. Explain the significant limitations of the computer.

10 marks | Asked in 2077

4. What are the components of general-purpose computer? Draw the block diagram of General-purpose computer.

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

4. What are the key features of Fifth Generation of computer? Explain.

5 marks | Asked in 2078

Unit 2: Computer Hardware
6 Questions

5. What is instruction cycle? Explain the steps of instruction cycle.

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

5. What are the parts of CPU? Explain each.

5 marks | Asked in 2077

5. What is Computer Bus? Explain the functions of data bus, address bus and control bus.

5 marks | Asked in 2078

6. Explain the computer bus. What are types of computer bus?

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

6. What is instruction cycle? Explain the steps of instruction cycle.

5 marks | Asked in 2077

11. What do you mean by sequential access and direct access of the I/O devices? Give an example of sequential access device and direct access device.

5 marks | Asked in 2077

Unit 3: Computer Software
4 Questions

3. What is operating system? What are different types of Computer Software? Explain in brief.

10 marks | Asked in Model Question

3. What is operating system? Explain Function of Operating system in detail.

10 marks | Asked in 2078

6. What is scheduling? Explain Non pre-emptive scheduling and Pre-emptive scheduling?

5 marks | Asked in 2078

8. What is Software? What are the two main categories of software? Explain each in brief.

5 marks | Asked in 2077

Unit 4: Data Representation
4 Questions

7. Explain the significance of the face value and position value of a number with an example. Convert the decimal number 47 into binary, octal and hexadecimal.

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

7. Convert 44.467 from Base 10 to Base 16.

5 marks | Asked in 2077

7. Convert 3748.658 decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal.

5 marks | Asked in 2078

11. Convert 34.4674 from Base 10 to Base 16.

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

Unit 5: Computer Networks and Internet Services
7 Questions
1. What do you mean by guided and unguided transmission media? Describe the different types of guided and unguided transmission media in brief?
10 marks | Asked in Model Question

2. what is Network Device? Describe the features of repeater, hub, switch, bridge, router, and gateway in brief.

10 marks | Asked in 2078

3. What is switching technique? Name the three kinds of switching techniques. Describe briefly the circuit switching and message switching techniques.

10 marks | Asked in 2077

8. Define packet. Explain the working of the packet switching technique.

5 marks | Asked in 2078

9. What is the need of communication protocol? List the seven layers of the OSI model protocol, in order.

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

9. Define: (1) Internet,  (2) Protocol, and  (3) WWW. What is the function of TCP in the TCP/IP protocol?

5 marks | Asked in 2077

12. Write short notes on:

    a. Internet of Things (IoT)

    b. Instruction set

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

Unit 6: Database Systems
4 Questions

2. Define a database system. List the components of database system.

10 marks | Asked in Model Question

4. Explain Database Management system and its importance. Define Data redundancy and Data inconsistency.

5 marks | Asked in 2077

9. Define: Data model, Schema and Instance.

5 marks | Asked in 2078

12. Write short notes on:

        a. IoT

        b. Data warehousing and Data mining

5 marks | Asked in 2077

Unit 7: Computer Security
4 Questions

1. What is the purpose and function of firewall? Name and explain the three types of firewall.

10 marks | Asked in 2077

8. What do you understand by the term Computer security? What are the targets of the security attack?

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

10. What do you understand by the term Computer security? Explain functions of Firewall.

5 marks | Asked in 2078

12. Write short notes on:

        a. Modulation and Demodulation

        b. Cryptography

5 marks | Asked in 2078

Unit 8: Application and Impact of IT
3 Questions

10. What do you understand by Societal impacts of IT?

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

10. Discuss the impact of IT in organization and individuals.

5 marks | Asked in 2077

11. Explain the Impacts of IT on Individuals in our Everyday Life in brief.

5 marks | Asked in 2078