Network and System Administration Model

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Seventh Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC472 )
( Network and System Administration )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt any FIVE Questions.

1. [a] What do you mean by Networking Protocols? Compare TCP/IP with OSI Reference Model.[3+3]

[b] How many ways a Linux client acquire IPv4 address? Explain.[6]

12 marks view

2. [a] Explain the Linux booting process with server installation steps.[6]

[b] What are the usage and importance of cron, anacron and at? Explain the steps to configure and enable system logging in Linux.[3+3]

12 marks view

3. [a] What is NATng? Describe iptables configuration for NATng in Linux with example. [3+3]

[b] Explain with principle the DHCP server and client communication process. [6]

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4. [a] Explain how cashing-only name server works? What is the difference between iterative and recursive approach of DNS queries.[3+3]

[b] What is HTTP? Explain the steps to configure HTTP-APACHE server for Linuxvirtual hosting of the website [1+5]

12 marks view

5. [a] What is SAMBA? How do you administer SAMBA with SAMBA-SWAT? Compare SAMBA with NFS. [2+4]

[b] Define the term MUA, MTA, MDA and MAA with protocol example. What do you mean by SMTP relay? [4+2]

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6. [a] What are the features of webmin? How do you maintain the security while remote administrating of the Linux server. [2+4]

[b] Differentiate between routed and routing protocol. Explain the process of DR/BDR election process in OSPF routing. [2+4]

12 marks view

7. Write short Motes on (Any Three) [4+4+4]

[a] Cashing Only Name Server

[b] Proxy-ACL

[c] NFS Client Configuration

[d] SSH Configuration Basics

[e] Properties and features of IMAP server

12 marks view