Data Structures and Algorithms - Old Questions

12. Write the steps involved in deleting a node in a Binary search tree.

5 marks | Asked in 2068

Algorithm to delete the node in BST

struct bnode *delete(struct bnode *root, int item)


    struct bnode *temp;



        printf(“Empty tree”);



    else if(item<root->info)

         root->left=delete(root->left, item);

    else if(item>root->info)

         root->right=delete(root->right, item);

    else if(root->left!=NULL &&root->right!=NULL)   //node has two child




        root->right=delete(root->right, root->info);







        else if(root->right==NULL)






Finding minimum element function:

struct bnode *find_min(struct bnode *root)




    else if(root->left==NULL)

         return root;





1. Deleting leaf Node

2. Deleting node with right child

3. Deleting node with left child

4. Deleting a node having both right and left child