Advanced Database Management System 2073
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1. Discuss different constraints of specialization and generalization.
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2. Draw an ER diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and a set of doctors. Associate with each patient a log of various tests and examinations conducted.
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3. Define encapsulation? How is it used to create abstract data types?
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4. What is versioning? Why is it important? What is the difference between versions and configurations?
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5. What is object relational database? Discuss object relational features of SQL.
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6. Define active database. Discuss some applications of active databases.
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7. What is the difference between valid time, transaction time, and bitemporal relations?
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8. What is data mining? Discuss data mining as a part of knowledge discovery process.
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9. What is data warehouse? Discuss the typical functionality of data warehouse.
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10. What is mobile database? Discuss the characteristics of mobile environments.
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