C Programming Model Question
Section A
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Long Answer Questions
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Attempt any 2 questions.[2 x 10 = 20]
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1. Define function and list its advantages. Describe the difference between passing arguments by value and passing arguments by address with suitable program.[4 + 6]
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2. Explain how structure is different from union? Make a program using structure of booklist having data member's title, author, and cost. Enter four data and calculate total cost.[3 + 4 + 3]
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3. Explain various modes in which file can be opened? Write a program to CREATE and WRITE N numbers in a file "NUMBER.TXT" . Open this file then read its content and put all even numbers in one file "EVEN.TXT" and odd numbers in another file"ODD.TXT". [2+4+4]
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Section B
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Short Answer Questions
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Attempt any 8 questions.[8x5 = 40]
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4. What do you mean by a problem analysis? What are the properties of a good algorithm? Explain the Compilation and Execution of any C program?[1+1+3]
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5. Define nested if else statement with suitable flowchart. Write a C code to check if user given input is exactly divisible by 5 or 11 using nested if else statement?[2+3]
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6. List various binary and unary operators used in C? Write a program that uses "while"loop to compute and prints the sum of a given numbers of squares. For example, if 4 is input, then the program will print 30, which is equal to 12+22+32+42 [1+4]
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7. "Size of character array is always declared one more that the input size." Justify the statement. Write a program to read a character array in input as "TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY" from the user and find out how many times a character "I" occurs in that array?[1+4]
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8. Write syntax to declare and initialize 2-dimensional array? With suitable program logic explain how would u find transpose of a 3*3 matrix.[1+4]
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9. Explain the concept of recursive function using the example program to find the factorial of given positive integer.[5]
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10. Describe the fundamental concept of pointer and its arithmetic with suitable examples.[5]
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11. Explain the use of graphical functions. Write a program to draw a triangle using line() graphics function.[1+4]
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12. Write short notes on:[2+3]
i) Dynamic Memory Allocation
ii) break and continue
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