Computer Architecture 2067
Long Questions:
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Attempt any two questions. (2×10=20)
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1. Explain the Micro program sequence with example.
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2. Explain with example of Data manipulation instructions.
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3. Explain the non-restoring Division algorithm, flow chart hardware implementation with example.
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Answer any ten questions: (10x6=60)
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Short Questions:
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4. What do you mean by instruction format? Explain.
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5. Differentiate between Hardwired and Micro program control unit.
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6. What do you mean by logic micro-operations?
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7. Differentiate between direct and indirect addressing modes.
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8. Explain with example of Data transfer instructions.
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9. What are the major differences between RISC and CISC architecture.
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10. Explain the subtraction algorithm with signed 2’s compliment.
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11. Differentiate between isolated I/O and Memory Mapped I/O.
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12. What is DMA transfer? Explain.
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13. What is the role of input-output processor (IOP) in computer system? Explain.
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14. What is memory management hardware? Explain.
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15. Write short notes on the following:
a. Sequential memory hierarchy.
b. Random memory hierarchy.
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