Computer Architecture 2068

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Third Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC-201 )
( Computer Architecture )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Long Questions:

Attempt any two questions. (2×10=20)

1. Explain the restoring division algorithm with example.

10 marks view

2. What do you mean by I/O interface? Explain the I/O bus and Interface module.

10 marks view

3. What do you mean by memory organization? Explain the memory management hardware with example.

10 marks view

Short Questions:

Answer any ten questions: (10x6=60)

4. Explain the error detection code with example.

6 marks view

5. Differentiate between logic microoperations and shift microoperations.

6 marks view

6. Explain the I/O instruction with example.

6 marks view

7. What do you mean by memory mapping? Explain.

6 marks view

8. What do you mean by control memory? Explain the microinstructions and microoperation format.

6 marks view

9. What do you mean by addressing modes? Differentiate between indexed addressing modes and base register addressing mode.

6 marks view

10. Explain the Booth algorithm. Multiply 3 x 5 using booth algorithm.

6 marks view

11. Differentiate between isolate and memory mapped I/O.

6 marks view

12. Explain the I/O processor with block diagram.

6 marks view

13. Explain data transfer instruction with example.

6 marks view

14. Differentiate between RISC and CISC processor.

6 marks view

15. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Interrupt cycle

(b) DMA

6 marks view