Computer Graphics 2074

Question Paper Details
Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Third Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC209 )
( Computer Graphics )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

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1. Digitize the endpoint (10, 18), (15, 8) using Bresenham's algorithm.(6)

6 marks
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2. What are the object space and image space method of hidden surface removal? Describe the back face detection method of hidden surface removal.(6)

6 marks
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3. Perform the scaling transformation to the triangle with vertices A(6, 9), B(10, 5), C(4, 3) with scaling factors Sx = 3 and Sy = 2.

6 marks
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4. Explain about parametric cubic curve. Describe the properties of Bezier curve.(3+3)

6 marks
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5. Explain the visual effect that occurs when during animation of a Gouraud shading polyhedron, the center of a highlight moves from one vertex to another along an edge.(6)


Illustrate the difference between orthographic (parallel) and perspective projection.(6)

6 marks
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6. Define window and view port. Describe three dimension windows to view port transformation with matrix representation for each step.(2+4)

6 marks
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7. Consider a raster scan system having 12 inch by 10 inch screen with resolution of 100 pixels per inch in each direction. If the display controller of this system refreshes the screen at the rate of 50 frames per second, how many pixels could be accessed per second and what is the access time per second and what is the access time pre pixels of the system?(6)

6 marks
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8. Find the composite transformation matrix for reflection about a line y = mx + c.(6)

6 marks
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9. Construct the polygon table for a object with six vertex, eight edge and three surface.(6)


Explain the role of computer graphics on animation. Define clipping operation with example.(3+3)

6 marks
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10. Digitize an ellipse with center (20, 20) and x-radius = 8 and y- radius = 6.(6)


Find the new co-ordinates of a unit cube 90 degree rotated about an axis defined by its end points A(2, 1, 0) and B(3, 3, 1).

6 marks
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