Computer Networking 2024
Group B
AI is thinking...
Attempt any SIX questions.
AI is thinking...
2. Explain the features of TCP/IP reference model.
AI is thinking...
3. Define switching. Explain the types of switching.
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4. Explain the ALOHA with its performance.
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5. Define IP Address.Explain the classes of IPv4.
AI is thinking...
6. Differentiate between the functions of TCP and UDP.
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7. Explain the role of DHCP, FTP and HTTP Protocols.
AI is thinking...
8. Write short notes on (any two):
a) RSA
b) CRC
c) Firewall
AI is thinking...
Group C
AI is thinking...
Attempt any TWO questions.
AI is thinking...
9. Explain transmission media with their major characteristics.
AI is thinking...
10. a) Differentiate between static and dynamic routing with suitable example.
b) Define Subnetting. Calculate total number of subnets and hosts per subnet for Network Address an subnet mask is
AI is thinking...
11. Write the services provided by Transmission Control Protocol. Explain the TCP header segment in detail.
AI is thinking...