Computer Networks 2071
Group A
Long Answer Questions:
Attempt all questions.
1. Define protocol. Why do we need
layered protocol architecture? Discuss each layer of TCP/IP protocol
architecture in detail.
Define transmission media.
Differentiate between guided and unguided transmission media. Discuss each guided
transmission media in detail.
2. What is routing? Discuss link state
routing algorithm in detail.
Group B
Short answer Questions:
any eight questions. (5x8=40)
3. Explain client server system. How
is it different from peer to peer system?
4. Discuss HTTP in detail.
5. Discuss the importance of
multiplexing in data communication.
6. Assume a class B network and divide
it into four subnets. What is the value of new subnet mask?
7. Discuss CRC as an error detection
8. Explain the importance of
multimedia network.
9. Why is network management an
important task?
10. What is congestion control? Why do
we need it?
11. Write short note on:
a. DNS
b. Streaming audio and video