Computer Networks 2076 (new)

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
2076 (new)
Bachelor Level / Fourth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC258 )
( Computer Networks )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Long Answer Questions:

Attempt any Two questions.                                                                                        (2x10=20)

1.  Explain each layer of TCP/IP model in detail. Compare it with OSI model.

10 marks view

2.  Define transmission media. What are different types of transmission media. Explain different types of unguided media in detail.

10 marks view

3.  Define flow control. Explain Go-Back-N ARQ with suitable example. How is it different from Stop-and-Wait ARQ?

10 marks view

Group B

Short answer Questions:

Attempt any eight questions.                                                                                       (5x8=40)

4.  Define network topology. Explain ring topology along with its merits and demerits.

5 marks view

5.  Explain LAN with example. How is it different from PAN?

5 marks view

6.  Define routing table. Differentiate static routing table with dynamic routing table.

5 marks view

7.  What is switching? Compare and contrast a circuit-switched network and packet-switched network.

5 marks view

8.  Why do we need wireless LAN? Explain the architecture of IEEE 802.11 in detail.

5 marks view

9.  What is NAT? How does it work? What are its benefits?

5 marks view

10.  In a block of address, we know the IP Address of one host is What are the first address(network address)  and the last address (limited broadcast address) in this block?

5 marks view

11.  Why do we need a DNS system when we can directly use an IP address? what is domain name space?

5 marks view

12. Write short notes on (any two):

            a. Connection-oriented service

2.5 marks view

            b. Bridge

2.5 marks view

            c. Hamming distance

2.5 marks view