Computer Networks 2078
Section A
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1. What is transmission media? How do guided media differ from unguided media? Explain different types of guided media in detail.(1+2+7)
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2. What is flow control? Explain Stop-and-Wait ARQ with suitable example. How is it different from Go-Back-N ARQ? (2+5+3)
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3. Explain link state routing with example.(10)
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Section B
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Attempt any Eight questions.(8*5=40)
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4. Explain client/ server network. How is it different from peer to peer network? (3+2)
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5. What is CSMA / CD ? Why is there no need for CSMA/CD on a full-duplex Ethernet LAN?(2.5+2.5)
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6. Write subnet ID and broadcast address of each subnet if you divide a class B network in 4 different subnets. What is the new subnet mask?
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7. Explain the structure of IPv6 address. Compare IPv6 address with IPv4 address.(3+2)
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8. What is virtual circuit network? Explain ATM as a virtual circuit wide area network.(2+3)
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9. What is routing table? Differentiate static routing table with dynamic routine table.(2+3)
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10. What is open-loop congestion control? Compare it with closed-loop congestion control.(2+3)
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11. What are the different approaches for multimedia streaming? Explain.(5)
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12. Write short note on(any two)(2*2.5)
a. Blackbone network
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