Concepts of Wireless Networking 2068
Attempt all questions.
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1. What are the major challenges in wireless communication network? How can we combat those challenges? (3+3)
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2. What are Doppler Effect and Doppler shift? Calculate Doppler shift for a person walking at a 3 km/hr in 900 MHZ cellular system. (6)
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3. Define modulation. Explain QPSK modulation technique.
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4. Why channel equalization is used in wireless communication? Explain linear channel equalization. (1+5)
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5. Define co-channel interference and adjacent channel interference. In a cellular system, the acceptable signal-to-cochannel interference ratio is 20dB. From the measurement the path loss exponent is found to be 4. What is the minimum cluster size? (2+4)
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6. Explain briefly about different techniques for capacity increase in cellular system.
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7. Explain time division multiple access technique. (3+3)
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8. Describe the steps involved in setting up the call between MSC and the called MSC with flow diagram. (6)
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9. Write short notes on MIPv6. Also mention the advantages over MIPv4. (6)
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10. Write short notes on (Any TWO): (2×3)
a) Fading
b) Probability of error of BPSK
c) Aloha
d) Call Admission Control (CAC)
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