Data Structures and Algorithms 2019-Objective
Group A
AI is thinking...
Attempt all the questions. [10x1 = 10]
AI is thinking...
i) What is the measurement for time complexity of an algorithm?
a) Counting microseconds
b) Counting kilobytes of algorithms
c) Counting number of key operations
d) Counting number of statements
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ii) Which of the following is the result of evaluation of 5 7 4 - * 8 4 / +?
a) 5 b) 8 c) 10 d) 17
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iii) What is the recursive formula for post order traversal of binary tree?
a) Left-Root-Right b) Root-Left-Right c) Left-Right-Root d) Right-Left-Root
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iv) What is the number of disk movement in TOH with 4 disks?
a) 9 b) 14 c) 17 d) 15
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v) What is the Big-Oh of best case complexity of insertion sort?
a) O (n) b) O (nlogn) c) O (1) d) O (n2)
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vi) How does the rear index incremented in circular queue?
a) front=(rear+1)%SIZE b) rear=(rear+1)%SIZE c) rear=rear+1 d) rear=(rear-1)%SIZE
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vii) A variation of linked list in which none of the node contains NULL pointer is ……
a) Singly b) Multiple c) Circular d) Doubly
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viii) Which of the following data structure is used in depth first search of graph?
a) Stack b) Queue c) Linked List d) None of the above
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ix) Which of the following is true for B-Tree of order M?
a) Leaf nodes should be at different level
b) All the key values within a node must be in descending order
c) Every node has at least M children
d) All non-leaf nodes with M-1 keys must have M number of children
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x) Which of the following is not a hash function?
a) Division remainder b) Folding c) Chaining d) Mid square
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