Data Structures and Algorithms 2023
Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as possible.
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Group B
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Attempt any SIX questions.
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2. Define stack. Why stack is considered as an ADT?List any four applications of stack.
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3. Evaluate the following postfix expression using the stack: 4 5 + 7 3 - 2 + *
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4. What is tower of Hanoi problem? How recursion can be used to solve tower of Hanoi problem?
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5. Define hashing. Explain how to resolve collisions during hashing using open addressing.
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6. What is binary search? Trace the algorithm of binary search a key 12 in the data:
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7. What id big-oh notation? Explain about divide and conquer strategy with example.
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8. What are the depth and degree of a node in a tree? Perform pre-order, in-order and post-order traversal of the following tree:
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Group C
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Attempt any TWO questions.
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9. How dynamic implementation of the queue can be done? Explain with algorithm. Also explain how insertion and deletion of a node can be done at the end of a singly linked list with algorithm.
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10. Define complete binary tree and skewed tree. Write a function to implement heap sort and sort the following data using heap sort: 12,9,1,13,16,2,4,21,5
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11. How breadth first traversal and depth first traversal can be used for traversing a graph? Explain with example. Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path from node A to all other nodes for the following graph.
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