Data Warehousing and Data Mining 2069
Attempt any two questions. (10x2=20)
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1. Explain the architecture of Data mining system with block diagram.
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2. Define clustering. Explain with example of the partitioning and hierarchical clustering methods.
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3. Explain the architecture and implementation of data warehouse with example.
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Group - B
Attempt any eight Questions. (Question no. 13 is compulsory) (8x5=40)
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4. What do you mean by knowledge discovery in database (KDD)?
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5. Explain the application of data warehouse and data mining.
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6. Differentiate between OLAP and OLTP.
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7. Explain the data mining techniques.
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8. Explain the Apriori Algorithm.
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9. Explain the K-Mediod Algorithm.
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10. Define the spatial database and its features.
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11. What is data cube? Explain with example.
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12. Explain the data mining languages.
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13. Write short notes (Any Two)
a) OLAP queries
b) Snow flakes
c) K-mean
d) Mining text databases
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