Data Warehousing and Data Mining 2073
Attempt any two questions. (10 x 2 = 20)
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1. Differentiate between Data-Warehouse and Data-mining..
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2. Explain the DBMS vs. Data Warehouse.
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3. Explain the K-mean and K-Mediod Algorithm with example.
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Attempt any eight questions. (8x5=40)
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4. Differentiate between Data marks and Meta data.
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5. What do you mean by virtual data warehouse.
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6. Explain the tuning and testing of Data Warehouse.
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7. Differentiate between KDD and Data Mining.
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8. Explain the data mining query language.
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9. Explain the Aprion Algorithm.
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10. Explain the types of Regression.
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11. Explain the association rules with advantages and disadvantages.
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12. Explain mining text databases.
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13. Write short notes (Any Two)
a) Data cubes
c) Spatial Database
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