Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2075
Attempt all questions.
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1. What do you mean by complexity of an algorithm? Explain RAM model for the analysis of algorithm with example.
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2. What is recurrence tree method? Determine a good asymptotic upper bound of following relation using recurrence tree method.
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3. What is heap sort? Trace the following data using heap sort algorithm.
X[]={10, 8, 12, 70, 20, 5, 30}
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4. What is Huffman code? Write down Hoffman algorithm and find out its complexity.[
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5. What is dynamic programming? Find the longest common subsequence between “XYYXXY” and “XXYXXYY”.
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6. Explain the Kruskal’s algorithm for computing spanning tree of weighted connected graph with an example of seven nodes graph.
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7. What is left turn and right turn? How to detect the intersection of two line segment? Explain with example.
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8. What types of problems are called class-P, class-NP and NP-completeness? Explain with examples.
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9. What is short path problem? Explain Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute shortest path.
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10. Explain worst case, best case and average case of algorithm analysis with an example.
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