Digital Logic 2074
Attempt any two questions:
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1. Implement the following function using
(a) Decoder
(b) Multiplexer
(c) PLA
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2. Differentiate between PAL and PLA. Design a counter as shown in the state diagram below
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3. Draw a block diagram, truth table and logic circuit of 1*16 Demultiplexer and explain its working principle.
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Attempt any eight questions:
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4. Perform the arithmetic operation (+42)+(-13) and (-42)-(-13) in binary using the signed -2's-complement representation for negative numbers.
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5. Express the complement of the following function in sum of minterms.
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6. Reduce the following function using k-map
F = wxy + yz + xy'z + x'y
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7. Design a combinational circuit with three inputs and six outputs. The output binary number should be the square of the input binary number.
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8. Design a 5 x 32 decoder with four 3 x 8 decoder with enable and one 2 x 4 decoder. Use block diagrams only.
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9. Design and explain the Decimal adder with truth table and suitable diagram.
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10. Explain shift register with parallel load. Highlight on its practical implications.
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11. Explain master slave J-K flipflop.
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12. Write short notes on (any two):
(a) State diagram
(b) De-Morgan's theorem
(c) TTL
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