Discrete Structure 2068
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Group A (10x2=20)
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1. Define disjunction and conjunction with suitable examples.
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2. Is the following argument valid?
Smoking is healthy.
If smoking is healthy, then cigarettes are prescribed by physicians.
∴Cigarettes are prescribed by physicians
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3. State the rules for the strong form of mathematical induction with propositions.
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4. State and prove “the extended pigeonhole principle”.
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5. Define the terms a language over a vocabulary and the phrase – structure grammar.
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6. Distinguish between binary tree and spanning tree with suitable examples.
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7. Consider Kn, the complete graph on n vertices. What is the degree of each vertex?
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8. Explain the static transition function of the finite state machine with a suitable table.
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9. Define regular expression over a non-empty set A.
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10. What is the chromatic number of the complete bipartite graph, where m and n are positive integers?
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Group B (5x4=20)
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11. Explain the rules of inference for quantified statements.
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12. Let A = {p, q, r}. Give the regular set corresponding to the regular expression given:
a) (p v q ) ┌ q* b) p( q q )* r.
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13. Find an explicit formula for the Fibonacci sequence defined by
fn = fn−1 + fn−2 , f1 = f2 = 1
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14. Define finite – state machines with output.
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15. Show that the maximum number of vertices in a binary tree of height n is 2n+1 − 1.
Draw all possible unordered trees on the set {a, b, c}.
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Group C (5x8=40)
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16. Construct the transition table of the finite – state machine whose diagraph is shown?
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17. Let G = ( V, S, v0, |→), where V = { v0, x, y, z}, S = {x, y, z } and
|→ : v0 |→ xv0
v0 |→ yv0
v0 |→ z
What is L(G), the language of this grammar?
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18. Find a maximum flow in the network shown in figure
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19. Prove that a symmetric connected relation has a undirected spanning tree.
Give a simple condition on the weights of a graph that will guarantee that there is a unique maximal spanning tree for the graph.
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20. Use Fleury’s algorithm to construct an Euler circuit for the following graph.
Explain the concept of network flows and max-flow min- cut with suitable examples.
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