Discrete Structure 2069
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Group A (10x2=20)
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1. Given propositions p and q, define conjunction and disjunction of p and q.
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2. Is the following argument valid?
If taxes are lowered, then income rises.
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3. Use mathematical induction to prove that 4n- 1 is divisible by 3.
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4. State and prove “the pigeonhole principle”.
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5. Develop a “general explicit formula” for a nonhomogeneous recurrence relation of the form: an = rqn-1 +s, where s and r are constants.
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6. Define the terms a language over a regular grammar and a regular expression.
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7. Distinguish between multi graph and pseudo graph with suitable examples.
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8. Let A = {0, 1}. Show that the following expressions are all regular expressions over A
a) 0* (0v1)* b) 00* (0v1)* 1.
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9. Distinguish between undirected and directed graphs with illustrations.
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10. Explain non-deterministic finite state automata.
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Group B (5x4=20)
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11. Let S = {0, 1}. Give the regular expression corresponding to the regular set given:
a) {00, 010, 0110, 011110, ...}
b) {0, 001, 000, 00001, 00000, 0000001, ...}
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12. For the Fibonacci sequence, prove that for n ≥ 2.
f2n+1 − fn2 = fn−1 fn−2
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13. Define explicit formula for the sequence: {a1, a2, a3,....}. Write an explicit formula for the sequence 2, 5, 7, 12, 19, 31.
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14. Explain the rules of inference for quantified statements.
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15. Define isomorphism. Given an example to show that the graphs are not isomorphic.
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Group C (5x8=40)
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16. Define deterministic finite state automata. When are two finite state automata equivalent? Explain it.
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17. Construct the state transition table of the finite state machine whose diagram is shown:
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18. Construct truth tables to determine whether the given statement is a tautology, a contingency, or an absurdity:
a) p ⇒ (q ⇒p)
b) q ⇒ (q ⇒p)
c) p ∧ ~ p
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19. A phrase structure grammar g is defined to be a 4-tuple (V, S, v0 |→ ), where V=(vo, w, a, b, c}, S={a, b, c}, vo |→ aw, w |→ bbw, w |→ c. Derive a sentence of L(G), the language of this grammar.
Prove that an undirected graph is a tree if and only if there is a unique simple path between any two of its vertices.
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20. Explain the concept of network flows and Max-flow Min-cut theorem with suitable examples.
Find a maximum flow in the network shown in the figure.
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