Discrete Structures 2076
Group A
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Long answer questions:
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Attempt any two questions: (2 x 10 = 20)
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1. State pigeonhole principle. Solve the recurrence relation an = 3an-1 - 3an-2 + an-3 with initial conditions a0=1 ,a1 = 3, a2=7.
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2. Find the value of x such that x = 1 (mod 3), x = 1 (mod 4), x = 1 (mod 5) and x = 0 (mod 7) using Chinese remainder theorem.
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3. Define Eular circuit with suitable example. Find the maximal flow s to t from the given network flow.
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Group B
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Short answer questions:
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Attempt any eight questions: (8 x 5 = 40)
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4. Prove that for every positive integer n ≥ 1, n2+n is even integer using mathematical induction.
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5. All over smart people are stupid. Children of stupid people are naughty. John is a children of Jane. Jane is over smart. Represent these statements in FOPL and prove that John is naughty.
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6. Which of the following are posets?
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7. Define reflexive closure and symmetric closure. Find the remainder when 4x2 - x + 3 is divided by x + 2 using remainder theorem.
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8. Define Eular path and Hamilton path. Give examples of both Eular and Hamilton path.
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9. How many 3 digits numbers can be formed from the digits 1,2,3,4 and 5 assuming that:
a. Repetitions of digits are allowed
b. Repetitions of digits are not allowed
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10. What is minimum spannung tree? Explain Kruskal's algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree.
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11. List any two applications of graph coloring theorem. Prove that "A tree with n vertices has n-1 edges"
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12. Define ceiling and floor function. Why do we need Inclusion - Exclusion principle? Make it clear withsuitable example.
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