E-commerce - Unit Wise Questions
1. What is e-commerce? Explain the framework of e-commerce.
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1. How does e-commerce differ from e-business? Discuss the e-commerce success factors.
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1. Explain the architectural framework for electronic commerce with practical example.
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1. Differentiate pure e-commerce from partial e-commerce with an example. Describe what features make e-commerce better than traditional commerce.
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1. Explain the e-commerce framework and its anatomy of applications.
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1. What is e-commerce business model? Describe the key elements of e-commerce business model.[2+8]
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1. Explain the e-commerce architecture and its components in detail with diagram.
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1. Explain the e-commerce framework and its application.
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1. Explain the various categories of e-commerce. Define the role of e-commerce in business, service, learning and community.
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2. What are the security threats in e-commerce? How client server and data transactions securities are maintained in e-commerce?
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2. Explain the B2B commerce and its advantages and disadvantages.
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1. Describe the various security mechanisms used to secure ecommerce systems. [10]
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3. What is e-payment? Discuss how credit card transactions, electronic checks and stored value payment system work. Mention their pros and cons.[2+8]
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2. What is Secured Electronic Transaction (SET) Protocol? Describe how purchase request, payment authorization and payment capture are done in SET? [2 + 8]
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3. Differentiate between B2B and B2c. Explain the major activities of B2C.
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3. Consider a company is planning to establish a B2B e-commerce system. Now describe in detail about the possible types of B2B Business Models the company can adapt. [10]
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4. Explain the different types of e-commerce.
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4. Compare and contrast pure Vs. Partial e-commerce. Support your answer with proper examples.
Partial e-commerce is when a company will sell a good through the internet but the fulfillment of good will need to take place in the "real" world. E.g. buying a book on Amazon, they will have to send it to you physically.
Pure e-commerce is when everything happens on the internet. E.g. buying music/movies on iTunes.
Based on the degree of digitization of
- Product
- Process
- Delivery agent
Pure e-commerce: all dimensions are physical
Partial e-commerce: all other possibilities include a mix of digital and physical dimensions.
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4. Explain B2B and its benefits.
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4. Compare between traditional and electronic commerce.
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4. Mention the various advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce.
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5. What are the elements of e-commerce application? Explain.
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4. Describe the factors that make U-commerce different from M-commerce?[5]
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5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce?
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4. What is e-commerce? How it differs from e-business? [2.5+2.5]
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6. Discuss the application of e-commerce in service sector.
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5. What is industry value chain? Mention the geniric players in the value chain.[3+2]
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6. What is digital wallet? How it works?[2+3]
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5. How the features like ubiquity, information density and richness make e-commerce better than traditional commerce. Justify with examples.[5]
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7. What is a catalog in e-commerce application? How can you create catalogs?[2+3]
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6. Describe the possible types of revenues models that can be adapted in e-commerce systems.[5]
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9. What does the properties like ubiquotous, richness and information density in ecommerce means? Support your answer with example.
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7. What is e-payment? Describe the working mechanism of online credit card transaction.[1+4]
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9. Explain the dimensions of electronic commerce system.
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8. Define malicious code. How the potentially unwanted programs like adware and spyware works?[1+4]
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9. Explain C2C E-commerce with example.
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9.Discuss different pricing models for online advertisements.[5]
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8. What is a shopping cart in an e-commerce application? How can you build shopping carts? [1+4]
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10. How facebook exchanges, reaction buttons and sponsored message are used for social marketing and advertisement.[5]
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11. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? How on page SEO can be done?[1.5+3.5]
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9. Discuss the possible security threats in e-commerce systems. [5]
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12. How content based and collaborative filtering approaches are used for product recommendation in e-commerce?[5]
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10. How linear, non-linear, in-banner and in-text video ads are used for digital marketing? [5]
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11. Describe how promoted tweets, promoted trends and lead generation cards are used as Twitter marketing tools? [5]
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12. Consider you are given a role of SEO analyst to perform search engine optimization analysis of www.sastodeal.com, what kind of SEO activities you will perform so as to improve rank of the website. [5]
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2. What is electronic data interchange? Explain the building blocks of an EDI system.
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2. Define EDLIS EDI used in B2C or B2B e-commerce? Why EDI is important in E-commerce. Explain.
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3. What is EDI? How EDI is used in ecommerce. How EDI has influenced information flow in international trade?
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3. How layers of EDI ensure transmission of message and data between the trading partners in ecommerce transactions? Also mention the tangible benefits of EDI.
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3. Define EDI. Explain with labeled diagram about secure electronic transaction protocol.
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4. What are the main characteristics of internet-based EDI?
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5. How EDI is used between freight forwarders, international trade, and customs?
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5. Define EDI and its components.
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5. Explain the architectural model of B2B E-commerce.
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7. What are the two major EDI standards used in e-commerce? Explain.
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7. Explain the EDI application in business.
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2. Explain the electronic payments system and its types.
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2. What is digital wallet? How it can be used in ecommerce? What issues need to be considered while designing electronic payment system?
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2. Explain the types of electronic payment systems are required in e-commerce. Why are there different types of payment systems? Explain with example.
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2. What is e-payment? Explain the functions of e-payment system. Why is orientation and standardization required for e-payment business system?
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3. Explain the digital token based electronic payment system and its types.
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3. Explain the various features and advantages of electronic payments system. What are the problems in implementation? Explain.
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3. Define the electronic payment systems. Explain the types of electronic payment system with example.
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3. Differentiate between electronic cheque payment and credit card payment. Explain the cheque transaction protocol used in e-commerce.
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4. How does e-cash work? List the properties that an e-cash should have?
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6. Describe the functionality of digital wallet. Write the requirements of e-payments.
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6. Explain the digital token based electronic payment system.
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6. Explain the threat on electronic payment system.
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6. What types of electronic payment system are required in e-commerce? Explain.
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7. Difference between digital token based electronic payment system with credit card system.
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8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of smart-card?
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9. Write short note on: (Any Two)
a. Properties of e-cash
b. Digital/Electronic wallets
c. Data warehouses.
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1. Why is security issues important in e-commerce? What are the security issues to be taken into account while designing a security system for e-commerce? Explain.
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2. How preserving confidentiality and integrity ensures security in e-commerce? Discuss various mechanisms used to ensure data and message security in e-commerce systems.
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2. What do you mean by client-server network security? Explain the data and message security with example?
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2. How security in e-commerce systems can be ensured? What mechanisms can be used to enforce the security? What possible vulnerabilities may lead to compromise in client-server security?
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3. What do you mean by information security? What are the security issues to be taken into account while designing a security system for e-commerce? Explain.
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6. Define the firewall and its types.
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6. Explain the client network security.
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6. What are the security issues of e-commerce?
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7. Explain the e-commerce security tools.
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8. Explain the digital signature and its application.
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8. Explain the cryptography and its types.
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8. What is cryptography? How cryptography can be used to ensure data and message transaction security in ecommerce?
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9. Write short note on: (Any Two)
a. Digital Signature
b. Secure Socket Layer
c. EDI
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8. Mention the types of Digital documents and explain in brief.
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1. What is media convergence in ecommerce? How it influence ecommerce? Discuss technological and market factors that drive media convergence.
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3. What is a structured document? How the issues like document constituency, document-oriented process and document-based framework flows are considered in a document infrastructure?
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4. Explain the client-server network security.
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4. What do you mean by internet governance? Explain.
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4. What are the different types of digital documents used in corporate library?
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5. Illustrate and explain the components of the information super highway.
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5. Explain the consumer oriented application of e-commerce.
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5. Explain the mercantile process model with example.
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5. Explain the components of the Information superhighway infrastructure.
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5. What is I-way? What market forces influence the I-way?
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6. Discuss the post-purchase interaction involved in mercantile process from customers' perspective.
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6. Differentiate impulsive, patient, and analytical buyers in a mercantile process model.
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7. How WWW architecture encompasses the global hypertext publishing, universal reader, and client-server concepts?
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7. Explain the Mercantile process models from Merchant’s perspective.
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7. Explain the Mercantile model from the consumer’s perspective.
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7. Explain the brief architecture of internet.
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7. What are the various threats posed by servers in a client-server environment?
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7. How middleware and structures document interchange. Ensures transparency, transaction security & management, and distributed object management & services in the architectural framework for e-commerce?
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8. Explain the types of digital documents.
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8. How digital documents enhance business data processing. Differentiate physical data warehouse and the logical.
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8. Explain the firewall and functions.
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8. What do you mean by internet governance? Mention the role of internet society in internet governance.
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8. Explain the corporate data warehouses.
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9. Explain with example of corporate data warehouses.
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9. What is the information superhighway? Discuss its components.
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9. Explain the corporate data warehouse with example.
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9. Write short note on: (Any Two)
a. Hypertext vs Hypermedia
b. Credit card with encryption
c. Advantages of Data warehouses
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9. What services or functionalities does the e-commerce application architecture consist of? Discuss briefly.
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