Introduction to Cloud Computing 2074
Attempt all the questions.
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1. Define the term cloud in cloud computing. Conceptualize self-provisioning and provisioning capability in cloud computing.
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2. What is para-virtualization? How virtualization is used to enforce cloud computing services?
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3. Define cloud migration. What are the reasons for the companies to migrate from traditional computing environment to cloud computing environments?
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4. What do you mean by anything-as-a-service? How external and internal dimension in Jericho cloud cube model differs from the proprietary and open dimension?
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5. Explain how services like early detection, log centralization and continuous system patching are provided under Monitoring-as-a-Service?
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6. Mention the similarities and dissimilarities between managed service providers cloud service providers. How organizations can get benefited by virtualizing the data centers?
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7. Why cloud services are designed based on the loosely coupled component principle of Service Oriented Architecture(SOA)? How SOA is used in designing cloud services?
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8. What is host security? Discuss various approaches for ensuring host security in cloud networks.
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9. Why it is important to assess the concept of recovery time objective in disaster recovery? How disaster recovery is done in cloud infrastructure?
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10. Discuss the various services provided under Infrastructure-as-a-Service(IaaS)?
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