Introduction to Cloud Computing 2075
Attempt all the questions.
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1. How cloud computing is different than traditional on premise computing? How properties like elasticity and scalability influence cloud computing?
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2. How cloud services can be deployed? In which scenario hybrid cloud model is better to deploy? How it can be used in cloud?
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3. What is the use of grid computing? How computing in grid architecture differs from cloud architecture? Explain.
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4. Mention the characteristics of Software-as-a-Sernice(SaaS). What implementation issues should be considered in SasS?
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5. What computing services are provided under PaaS? Discuss, with example, the concepts of perimeterized and deperimeterized dimensions in Jericho Cube Model.
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6. What computing can be provided under Communication-as-a-Service? Mention the advantages of using Communication-as-a-Service Cloud Model.
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7. How data center virtualization is done? Discuss the various building blocks of data center.
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8. Define SOA. How cloud services can be benifited by using the concepts of service Orinted Architecture?
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9. Why intrusion detection systems are implemented in cloud networks? How anamoly based intrusion detection system differs from signature based?
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10. Define recovery point objective. How the geographical redundancy and organizational redundancy are used in cloud diasater recovery?
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