Introduction to Information Technology 2074
Attempt any two questions:
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1. What is communication protocol? Discuss the OSI model with its layers.
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2. What is the objective of using operating system? How operating system performs process, memory and file management activities.
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3. What is data model? How ER-Model can be used to create conceptual data model? Explain with example.
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Attempt any eight questions:
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4. What is computer system? Discuss components of computer system.
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5. Why bus is used in computer? How control bus differs from data bus?
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6. How many numbers of bites are equivalent 1 kilobyte? Discuss the working mechanism of magnetic tape.
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7. Mention the use of plotter. How quality of printer is determined?
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8. What do you mean by Internet of Things (IoT)? As an IT expert, mention the possible applications of IoT that you have observed in Nepal.
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9. Define each of the terms confidentiality, integrity, and authentication.
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10. What is multimedia? Discuss the applications of multimedia.
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11. What is BigData? How centralized database is different than the distributed database?
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12. Convert (10.4)10 ti binary. Add (10111)2 with(01111)2.
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