Knowledge Management - Unit Wise Questions
1. How does cultural issues effect in knowledge management?List the parameters that motivate and demotivate the people in knowledge management.[5+5]
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1. Define knowledge management. Describe the foundation of knowledge management. Explain the phases of decision making. [2+2+6]
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2. Define tacit knowledge. Explain the procedure for interviewing experts, structuring interviewing and stories.[2+8]
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3. Explain the roles of telecommunications and networks in knowledge management. Describe about knowledge management in health sciences.[5+5]
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2. List the purpose, method and benefits of knowledge market.Explain the tacit knowledge at individual level and organization level. [5+5]
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3. Explain the relationship between internet search engines and knowledge management. What do you mean by information mapping in information retrieval? [5+5]
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4. How does knowledge management plan differ with business plan? Explain.[5]
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5. Explain the attributes that support the life cycle of an organization.[5]
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6. What does learning by observation means?List some difficulties in information coding in internet environment.[2+3]
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4. Describe the components of knowledge strategy. [5]
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5. Distinguish between organization strategic and business plan. [5]
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7. Define cognitive map. What does explicit knowledge codification mean?[2+3]
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6. Explain the roles of knowledge management in developing countries. [5]
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8. Describe the benefits of cooperating among distributed technical specialists.[5]
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9. How does decision support system differ with expert system? Describe the components of DSS. [2+3]
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7. Explain the ethics for knowledge management. [5]
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8. What is knowledge taxonomy? Describe with an example. [5]
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10. Explain the issues of security in knowledge management.[5]
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11. Why do we need internet filtering? Explain.[5]
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9. Describe the quality assurance and its role in knowledge management. [5]
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12. Write short notes on(any two)[2.5+2.5]
a. Internet Search Engine
b. Intellectual Property Right
c. Technology in support of knowledge Management
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10. What do you mean by information coding in the internet environment? [5]
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11. Explain the methods of learning. [5]
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12. Write Short Notes On (Any TWO) [2.5 + 2.5]
a. Knowledge Audit
b. Cognitive Map
c. Repackaging Information
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