Mathematics II - Unit Wise Questions
1. What is pivot position? Apply elementary row operation to transform the following matrix first into echelon form and then into reduced echelon form:
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1. Define system of linear equations. When a system of equations is consistent? Determine if the system
-2x1-3x2+4x3 = 5
x2-2x3 = 4
x1+3x2-x3 = 2
is consistent. [1+1+8]
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1. Illustrate by an example that a system of linear equations has either equations has either exactly one solution or infinitely many solutions.
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1. What is a system of linear equations? When the system is consistent and inconsistent?
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1. What do you mean by linearly independent set and linearly dependent set of vectors?
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1. When a system of linear equation is consistent and inconsistent? Give an example for each. Test the consistency and solve the system of equations: x - 2y = 5, -x + y + 5z = 2, y + z = 0
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1. When a system of linear equation is consistent and inconsistent? Give an example for each. Test the consistency and solve: x + y + z = 4, x + 2y + 2z = 2, 2x + 2y + z = 5.
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1. Why the system x1 - 3x2 = 4; -3x1 + 9x2 = 8 is consistent? Give the graphical representation?
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1. Write down the conditions for consistent of non- homogenous system of linear equations.
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1. When is system of linear equation consistent or inconsistent?
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1. What are the criteria for a rectangular matrix to be in echelon form?
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1. Illustrate by an example that a system of linear equations has either no solution or exactly
one solution.
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1. Define linear combination of vectors. When the vectors are linearly dependent and independent?
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2. prove that (a) (AT)T = A (b) (A + B)T = AT + BT , Where A and B denote matrices whose size are appropriate for the above mentioned operations.
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2. Define singular and nonsingular matrices.
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2. Define linear combination of vectors. If v1, v2,v3 are vectors, Write the linear combination of 3v1 - 5v2 + 7v3 as a matrix times a vector.
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2. Define linear transformation between two vector spaces.
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2. Define linearly dependent and independent vectors. If (1, 2) and (3, 6) are vectors then the vectors are linearly dependent or independent?
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2. What is meant by independent of vectors?
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2. Write numerical importance of partitioning matrices.
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2. When is a linear transformation invertible?
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3. What do you mean by consistent equations? Give suitable examples.
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3. Is invertible matrix?
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3. Using the Invertible matrix Theorem or otherwise, show that is invertible.
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3. Solve the system
3x1 + 4x2 = 3, 5x1 + 6x2 = 7
by using the inverse of the matrix
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3. Show that the matrix is not invertible.
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3. What is normal form of a matrix?
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3. How do you distinguish singular and non-singular matrices?
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3. Define invertible matrix transformation.
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4. Let A and B be two square matrices. By taking suitable examples, show that even though AB and BA may not be equal, it is always true that detAB = detBA.
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4. Define invertible matrix transformation.
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4. Let S be the parallelogram determined by the vectors b1 = (1, 3) and b2 = (5, 1) and let Compute the area of the image S under the mapping
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4. Define invertible linear transformation.
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4. What do you mean by change of basis in Rn?
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4. Define nonsingular linear transformation with suitable example.
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4. If A and B are n x n matrices, then verify with an example that det(AB) = det(A)det(B).
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4. What is numerical drawback of the direct calculation of the determinants?
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4. State the numerical importance of determinant calculation by row operation.
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5. Show that the matrices do not commute.
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5. State Cramer’s rule for an invertible n x n matrix A and vector to solve the system Ax = b. Is this method efficient from computational point of view?
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5. Calculate the area of the parallelogram determined by the columns of
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5. Determine the column of the matrix A are linearly independent, where
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5. Verify with an example that det (AB ) = det ( A) det ( B) for any n x n matrices A and B.
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5. Using Cramer's rule solve the following simultaneous equations:
5x + 7y = 3
2x + 4y = 1
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5. Let S be the parallelogram determined by the vectors b1 = (1,3) and b2 = (5,1) and let . Compute the area of the image S under the mapping
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5. Find the dimension of the vector spanned by (1,1,0) and (0,1,0).
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5. Let S be the parallelogram determined by the vectors b1 = (1, 3) and b2 = (5, 1) and let Compute the area of the image S under the mapping
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5. Consider the matrix as a linear mapping. Write the corresponding co-ordinate equations.
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6. Define vector space with suitable examples.
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6. Find a matrix A such that col(A).
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6. Define vector space.
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6. Define vector space.
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7. Determine if {v1, v2, v3} is a basis for , where
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6. Define subspace of a vector space.
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6. When is a linear transformation invertible.
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6. Determine if {v1, v2, v3} is basis for R3, where
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7. Show that the entries in the vector x = (1, 6) are the coordinates of x relative to the standard basis (e1, e2).
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7. Let W be the set of all vectors of the form , where b and c are arbitrary. Find vector u and v such that W = Span {u, v}.
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7. Determine if is a Nul(A) for
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7. If and let u = (5, 3, 2), then show that u is in the Nul A.
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7. Define subspace of a vector with an example.
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5. Change into reduce echelon form of the matrix
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7. Find the rank of AB where
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7. Determine if w = (1, 3, -4) is a Nul A, where
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6. Determine if is Nul(A), where,
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8. What are necessary and sufficient conditions for a matrix to be invertible?
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8. Is an Eigen value of
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8. Is u = (3, -2) is an eigen value of ?
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6. State the numerical importance of determinant calculation by row operation.
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8. Are the vectors; eigen vectors of
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8. If u = (6, -5) is an eigen vector of ?
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8. Find the characteristic polynomial for the eigen values of the matrix
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8. Show that 7 is an eigen value of
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8. Is an Eigen value of
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9. Find the unit vector u of v = (1, -2, 2, 0) along the direction of v.
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7. Show that {(1, 1), (-1,0)} form a bias for R2.
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9. If S = {u1,... .... ... ... , up} is an orthogonal set of nonzero vectors in R2, show S is linearly independent and hence is a basis for the subspace spanned by S.
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9. Define kernel and image of linear transformation.
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9. Let Find a unit vector
in the same direction as
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9. Find the inner product of (1, 2, 3) and (2, 3, 4).
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9. Find the inner product of (2, -5, -1) and (3, 2, -3).
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9. Determine whether the pair of vectors are orthogonal or not?
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9. Find the distance between vectors u ( ) and v ( ). Define the distance between
two vectors in Rn.
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10. What do you understand by least square line? Illustrate.
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10. Let {u1,... ... ... up}be an orthogonal basis for a subspace W of Rn. Then prove that for each ,the weights in y = c1u1 + ... ... ... + cpup are given by
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8. Let be a linear transformation defined by T(x, y) = (x + y, y). Find Ker T.
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10. Let W = span{x1, x2} where and
Their construct orthogonal basis for W.
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10. Find the norm vector v = (1, -2, 3, 0).
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10. What is meant by Discrete dynamical system? Give suitable example.
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10. Find the norm between the vectors u = (1, 2, 3, 4) and v = (0, 1, 2, 3).
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10. Let w = span {x1, x2}, where Then construct orthogonal basis for w.
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10. Compute the norm between the vectors 4 = (7, 1) and v = (3, 2).
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9. If λ is an eigen values of matrix A, find the eigen values of A-1.
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11. What are the criteria for a transformation T to be linear? If is defined by T(x) = 3x,
Show that T is a linear transformation. Also give a geometric description of the transformation
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11. Prove that any set{v1,... ... ... ... , v2} in Rn is linearly dependent if p > n.
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11. Determine if the given set is linearly dependent:
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11. If a set s = {v1, v2, ... ... ... ,vp} in Rn contains the zero vector, then prove that the set is linearly dependent. Determine if the set is linearly dependent.
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11. Let be the linear transformation defined by T(x, y, z) = (x, y, x - 2y). Find a basis and dimension of (a) Ker T (b) Im T
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11. A linear transformation is defined by
. Find the image of T of
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11. Let , u = (1, 0, -3) and v = (5, -1, 4), If
defined by T(x) = Ax, find T (u) and T (v).
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11. Let and
. Find the images under T of
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10. Let u = (1,2,-1,3) and v = (3,0,2,-2). Compute the inner product (u, u + v).
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12. Prove that if A is an invertible matrix, then so is AT, and the inverse of AT is the transpose of A-1.
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12. Given the Leontief input-output model x = Cx + d, where the symbols have their usual
meanings, consider any economy whose consumption matrix is given by Suppose the final demand is 50 units for manufacturing 30 units for agriculture, 20 units for services. Find the production level x that will satisfy this demand.
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12. Find the 3 x 3 matrix that corresponds to the composite transformation of a scaling by 0.3, a rotation of 900 , and finally a translation that adds (-0.5, 2) to each point of a figure.
Describe the Leontief Input-Output model for certain economy and derive formula for (I-C)-1, where
symbols have their usual meanings.
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12. Find the determinant of
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12. If compute (Ax)T, xTAT and xxT. Can you compute xTAT?
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12. Show that the following vectors are linearly independent:(1, 1, 2),(3, 1, 2),(0, 1, 4).
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12. Consider the Leontief input – output model equation x = cx + d, where the consumption matrix is
Suppose the final demand is 50 units of manufacturing, 30 units of agriculture, 20 units for services. Find the production level x that will satisfy the demand.
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13. Show that the vectors (1, 0, 0),(1, 1, 0) and (1, 1, 1) are linearly independent.
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13. Find the coordinate vector [X]B of a x relative to the given basis B = {b1, b2}, where
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13. If v1 and v2 are the vectors of a vector space V and H = span {v1, v2}, then show that H is a subspace of V.
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13. If b1 = (2, 1), and B = {b1, b2}, find the co-ordinate vector [x]B of x relative to B.
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11. Determine whether the following vectors in R3 are linearly dependent:
a. (1,0,1), (1,1,0),(-1,0,-1),
b. (2,1,1),(3,-2,2),(-1,2,-1).
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13. Define subspace of a vector space V. Given v1 and v2 in a vector space V, let H = span {v1, v2}. Show that H is a subspace of V.
If is a basis for a vector space V and x is in V, define the coordinate of x relative to the basis
. Let
is a basis for H = Span {v1, v2}. Determine is X is in H, and if it is, find the coordinate vector of x relative to
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13. Define rank of a matrix and state Rank Theorem. If A is a 7 x 9 matrix with a
two-dimensional null space, find the rank of A.
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13. What do you mean by basis of a vector space? Find the basis for the row space of
State and prove the unique representation theorem for coordinate systems.
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13. Find the matrix representation of linear transformation defined by T(x, y) = (x + 2y) relative to the standard basis.
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14. Is the set of vectors {(91, 0, 1),(0, 1, 0),(-1, 0, 1)} orthogonal? Obtain the corresponding orthonomal set R3.
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14. What do you mean by eigen values, eigen vectors and characteristic polynomial of a matrix? Explain with suitable examples.
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14. The mapping defined by T(a0 + a1t + a2t2) = a1 + 2a2t is a linear transformation.
a) Find the matrix for T, when
is the basis {1, t, t2}.
b) Verify that [T(p)]B = [T]B[p]B for each p in P2.
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14. Find the eigen values of
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14. Determine the eigen values and eigen vectors of in complex numbers.
Let and basis B = {b1, b2}.Find the B-matrix for the transformation
with P= [b1, b2].
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14. Let and basis B = {b1, b2}.Find the B-matrix for the transformation
with P = {b1, b2}.
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12. Investigate and interpret geometrically the transformation of the unit square whose vertices are O(0,0,1),A(1,0,1),B(0,1,1),and C(1,1,1) effected by the 3 x 3 matrix:
Is the set of vectors {(),(),()} orthogonal? Obtain the corresponding orthogonal? Obtain the corresponding orthonormal set in R3.
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14. Find the eigen values of .
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14. Find the eigen values of
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15. If v1 = (3, 6, 0), v2 = (0, 0, 2) are the orthogonal basis then find the orthonal basis of v1 and v2.
Find an orthogonal projection of y onto u, where y = (7, 6), u = (4, 2)
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15. Show that (v1, v2, v3) is an orthogonal basis of R3, where
Find an orthogonal projection of y onto u, where y = (7, 6), u = (4, 2).
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15. Show that {v1, v2, v3} is an orthogonal set, where v1 = (3,1,1), v2 = (-1, 2, 1),
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15. Let the four vertices O(0, 0), A(1, 0), B(0, 1) and C(1, 1) of a unit square be represented by 2 x 4 matrix . Investigate and interpret geometrically the effect of pre-multiplication of this matric by the 2 x 2 matrix:
State and prove orthogonality property for any two non-zero vectors in Rn.
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13. In the vestor space R2, express the given vector the given vector (1,2 ) as a linear combination of the vectors (1, -1) and (0,1)
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15. Let u and v be nonzero vectors in R2 and the angle between them be θ then prove that u.v = ‖u‖ ‖v‖ cos θ,
where the symbols have their usual meanings.
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15. Let u and v be non-zero vectors in R3 and the angle between them be Then prove that
where the symbols have their usual meanings.
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15. Define the Gram-Schmidt process. Let W=span{x1, x2}, where Then construct an orthogonal basis {v1, v2} for w.
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15. Let Find a least square solution of Ax = b, and compute the associated least square error.
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14. Find the matrix representation of the linear transformation defined by T(x,y) = (x,x + 2y) relative to the basis (1,0) and (1,1).
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16. Determine if the following system is inconsistent.
x2 - 4x3 = 8
2x1 - 3x2 + 2x1 = 1
5x1 - 8x2 + 7x3 = 1
Let a1 = (1, -2, -5), a2 = (2, 5, 6) and b = (7, 4, -3) are the vectors. Determine whether b can be generated as a linear combination of a1 and a2. That is determine whether x1 and x2 exist such that x1a1 + x2a2 = b has solution, find it.
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16. Let be a linear transformation. Then T is one-to-one if and only if the equation T(x) = 0
has only the trivial solution, prove the statement.
Let and
define Then
a) Find T(u)
b) Find an whose image under T is b.
c) Is there more than one x whose image under T is b?
d) Determine if c is the range of T.
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16. Determine if the following system is consistent, if consistent solve the system.
-2x1 - 3x2 + 4x3 = 5
x1 - 2x2 = 4
x1 + 3x2 - x3 = 2
Let and define a transformation
so that
a) Find T(u)
b) Find x in R2 whose image under T is b.
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16. Let a1 = (1, 2, -5), a2 = (2,5,-3) and b = (7,4, -3). Determine whether b can be generated as a linear combination of a1 and a2. That is, determine whether x1 and x2 exists such that x1a1 + x2a2 = b
has the solution , find it.
Determine if the following system is consistent
x2 - 4x3 = 8
2x1 - 3x2 + 2x3 = 1
5x1 - 8x2 + 7x3 = 1
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16. Find a matrix A whose inverse is
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15. Let u and v be nonzero vector in Rn and the angle between them be . Then prove the
Where the symbol have their usual meanings.
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16. Let be a linear transformation and let A be the standard matrix for T. Then prove that: T map Rn on to Rm if and only if the columns of A span Rm; and T is one-to-one if and only if the columns of A are linearly independent. Let T(x1, x2) = (3x1 + x2, 5x1 + 7x2, x1 + 3x2). Show that T is a one-to-one linear transformation. Does T map R2 onto R3?
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16. Determine if the following homogeneous system has a nontrivial solution. Then describe the
solution set. 3x1 + 5x2 - 4x3 = 0, - 3x1 -2x + 4x3= 0, 6x1 + x2 - 8x3 = 0.
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16. Given the matrix discuss the for word phase and backward phase of the row reduction algorithm.
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17. Find the inverse of if it exists, by using elementary row reduce the augmented matrix.
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17. Test the consistency and solve
x + y + z = 4
x + 2y + 2z = 2
2x + 2y + z = 5
Verify Cayley Hamilton theorem for matrix
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17. Compute the multiplication of partitioned matrices for
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17. Compute the multiplication of partitioned matrices for
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17. Compute the multiplication of partitioned matrices for
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17. If the consumption matrix C is
and the final demand is 50 units for manufacturing, 30 units for agriculture and 20 units for services, find the production level x that will satisfy this demand.
Compute the multiplication of partitioned matrices for
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17. If the consumption matrix C is
and the final demand is 50 units for manufacturing, 30 units for agriculture and 20 units for services, find the production level x that will satisfy this demand.
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17. An n x n matrix A is invertible if and only if A is row equivalent to In , and in this case, any sequence of elementary row operations that reduces A to In also transform In x m into A-1. Use this statement to find the inverse of the matrix if exist.
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18. What do you mean by change of basis in Rn? Let and consider the bases for R2 given by B = {b1, b2} and C = {c1, c2}.
a) Find the change of coordinate matrix from C to B.
b) Find the change of coordinate matrix from B to C.
Define vector spaces, subspaces, basis of vector space with suitable examples. What do you mean by
linearly independent set and linearly dependent set of vectors?
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18. Let be a basis for a vector space V. Then the coordinate mapping
is one-to-one linear transformation from V into Rn. Let
a) Show that the set is a basis of R3.
b) Find the change of coordinates matrix for to the standard basis.
c) Write the equation that relates x in R3 to .
d) Find for the x give above.
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18. Let v1 = (3, 6, 2), v2 = (-1, 0, 1), x = (3, 12, 7) and B = {v1, v2}. Then B is a basis for H = span {v1, v2}. Determine if x is in H, and if it is, find the co-ordinate vector of x relative to B.
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18. Let b1 = (1, 0, 0), b2 = (-3, 4, 0), b3 = (3, -6, 3) and x = (-8, 2, 3) then
(a) Show that B = {b1, b2, b3} is a basis of R3.
(b) Find the change of co-ordinates matrix from B to the standard basis.
(c) Find [X]B, for the given x.
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18. Let b1 = (1,0,3), b2 = (1,-1,2) and x = (3,-5,4). Does B={b1, b2, b3} form a basis? Find [x]B, for x.
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18. The set of matrices of the form
is a subspace of the vector 3 x 3 matrices. Verify it.
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16. Test for consistency and solve:
2x - 3y + 7z = 5
3x + y - 3z = 13
2x + 19y - 47z = 32
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18. What do you mean by basis change? Consider two bases B = {b1, b2} and c = {c1, c2} for a vector space V, such that and
i.e., x = 3b1 + b2. Find [x]c.
Define basis of a subspace of a vector space.Let where
and let
Show that span {v1, v2, v3} = span {v1, v2} and find a basis for the subspace H.
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18. What do you mean by change of basis in Rn ? Let and consider the bases for R2 given by B={b1, b2} and C={c1, c2}. Find the change of coordinates matrix from B to C.
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19. Diagonalize the matrix if possible.
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19. Diagonalize the matrix if possible.
Suppose A = PDP-1, where D is a diagonal n x n matrix. If is the basis for Rn formed for the columns of P, then prove that D is the
matrix for the transformation. Define
, where
Find a basis
for R2 with the property that the
matrix for T is a diagonal matrix.
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19. Diagonalize the matrix, if possible
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19. Diagonalize the matrix, if possible
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19. Diagonalize the matrix if possible
Find the eigen value of and find a basis for each eigen space.
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17. Let U and V be vector spaces over a field and assume that dim U=dim V. If is a linear transformation, then prove that the following are equivalent;
i. T is invertable
ii. T is one-one and onto, and
iii. T is non-singular
Verify that the set of matrices of the form is a subspace of the vector space of 3 x 3 matrices.
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19. Diagonalize the matrix if possible.
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19. Diagonalize the matrix, if possible
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20. Find the equation of the least squares line that best fits the data points (2, 1), (5, 2),
(7, 3), (8, 3). What do you mean by least squares lines?
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18. Verify Cayley-Hamilton Theorem for matrix:
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20. What do you mean by least-squares lines? Find the equation of the least- squares line that fits the data points (2, 1), (5, 2), (7, 3), (8, 3).
Find the least-squares solution of Ax = b for A
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20. What is a least squares solution? Find a least squares solution of Ax = b, where
What do you understand by orthonormal set? Show that {v1, v2, v3} is an orthonormal basis of R3, where
Prove that an m x n matrix U has orthonormal columns if and only if UTU = 1.
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20. What is a least-squares solution? Find a least-squares solution of Ax = b, where
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20. Find a least-square solution for Ax = b with What do you mean by least squares problems?
Define a least-squares solution of Ax = b, prove that the set of least squares solutions of Ax = b coincides with the non-empty set of solutions of the normal equations ATAx = ATb.
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20. Find the equation y = a0 + a1x for the least squares line that best fits the data points (2, 1), (5, 2), (7, 3),(8, 3).
When two vectors 4 and v are orthogonal? If u and vectors, prove that [dist (u, -v)]2 = [dist (u, v)]2 if u.v = 0.
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19. Let V and W be the vector spaces over a field F of real numbers. Let dim V = n and dim W = m. Let {e1,e2,... ...,en} be a basis of V and {f1, f2, ... ... ... , fm} be a basis of W. Then, prove that each linear transformation can be represented by an m x n matrix A with elements from F such that
Y = AX
Are column matrices of coordinates of relative to its basis and coordinates of relative to its basis respectively.
Compute the multiplication partitioned matrices for
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20. When two vectors u and v orthogonal? If u and v are vectors, prove that [dist(u, -v)]2 = [dist(u, v)]2 if u, v = 0.
Find a least square solution of Ax = b for
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20. Find the equation for the least squares line that best fits the data points(2, 1),(5, 2),(7,3),(8, 3).
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19. Diagonalize the matrix
Compute the multiplication of partitioned matrices for
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20. Find the equation y = β0 + β1x for the least squares line that best fits the data points (2, 0), (3, 4), (4, 10), (5, 16).
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2. Define linear transformation with an example. [1+1+3+5]
Let ,
and define a transformation T: R2→R2 and T(x) = Ax then
(a) find T(v)
(b) find x ∈ R2 whose image under T is b.
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2. Define linear transformation with an example. Check the following transformation is linear or not? be defined by T(x, y) = (x, 2y).Also, let T( x,y)= ( 3x+y, 5x+7y, x+3y). Show that T is a one- to-one linear transformation. Does T maps
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4. Let T is a linear transformation. Find the standard matrix of T such that
(i) by T(e1) = (3, 1, 3, 1) and T(e2) = (-5, 2, 0, 0) where e1 = (1, 0) and e2 = (0, 1);
(ii) rotates point as the origin through
radians counter clockwise.
(iii) Is a vertical shear transformation that maps e1 into e1-2e2 but leaves vector e2 unchanged.
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6. Let , and define
be defined by
T( x) = Ax, find the image under T of and
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7. Let and define T: R2 →R2 by T(x) = Ax, find the image under T of
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6. Define linear transformation with an example. Is a transformation defined by T(x, y) = (3x + y, 5x + 7y, x + 3y) linear? Justify.
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6. Let us define a linear transformation. Find the image under
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2. What is the condition of a matrix to have an inverse? Find the inverse of the matrix If it exists.
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3. Find the LU factorization of
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3. Find the LU factorization of
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2. What is the condition of a matrix to have an inverse? Find the inverse of the matrix in exists.
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5. Compute u+ v, u-2v and 2u+v where .
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7. Let and
. What value(s) of k, if any, will make AB = BA?
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7. Let Determine the value (s) of k if any will make AB = BA.
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7. Let What value (s) of k if any will make AB = BA?
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12. Find the QR factorization of the matrix
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12. Find LU factorization of the matrix
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8. Compute det A, where .
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8. Define determinant. Evaluate without expanding
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8. Define determinant. Compute the determinant without expanding
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3. Define linearly independent set of vectors with an example. Show that the vectors (1, 4, 3), (0, 3, 1) and (3, -5, 4) are linearly independent. Do they form a basis? Justify.
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6. When two column vectors in R2 are equal? Give an example. Compute u+3v, u-2v where [1+4]
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5. For what value of h will y be in span {v1 , v2, v3} if
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9. Define null space of a matrix A. Let
, and
Then show that v is in the null A.
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10. Verify that 1k, (-2)k, 3k are linearly independent signals.
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9. Define null space . Find the basis for the null space of the matrix
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9. Define subspace of a vector space. Let Show that H is a subspace of:
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10. Let B = {b1, b2} and C = (c1, c2) be bases for a vector V, and suppose b1 = -c1 + 4c2 and b2 = 5c1 - 3c2. Find the change of coordinate matrix for a vector space and find [x]c for x = 5b1 + 3b2.
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10. Find the dimension of the null space and column space of
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15. Find the vector x determined by the coordinate vector where
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15. State and prove the Pythagorean theorem of two vectors and verify this for u = (1, -1) and v = (1, 1).
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9. Let H be the set of all vectors of the form . Show that H is a subspace of
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10. Find basis and the dimension of the subspace
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11. If . Find a formula An, where A = PDP-1 and
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8. Find the eigen values of
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11. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of .
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11. Find the eigenvalues of the matrix
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11. Find the eigen values of the matrix
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4. Find a least square solution of the inconsistent system Ax= b for
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4. Find a least square solution of the inconsistent system Ax = b for
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3. Find the least-square solution of Ax=b for
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4. Find the least-square solution of Ax = b for
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12. Define orthogonal set. Show that {u1, u2, u3} is an orthogonal set, where
u1 = ,
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12. Find a unit vector v of u = (1, -2, 2,3) in the direction of u.
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13. Prove that the two vectors u and v are perpendicular to each other if and only if the line through u is perpendicular bisector of the line segment from -u to v.
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13. Let , where
. Construct an orthogonal basis {v1, v2} for W.
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14. Let * be defined on by
. Then show that
forms a group.
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14. Let an operation * be defined on Q+ by a*b = ab/2. Then show that Q+ forms a group.
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13. Define group. Show that the set of all integers Z forms group under addition operation.
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13. Define binary operation. Determine whether the binary operation * is associative or commutative or both where * is defined on Q by letting .
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15. Define ring and show that set of real numbers with respect to addition and multiplication operation is a ring. [2+3]
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15. Define ring with an example. Compute the product in the given ring (12)(16) in .
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14. Define ring with an example. Compute the product in the given ring (-3, 5) (2, -4) in Z4 x Z11.
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14. Show that the ring is an integral domain.
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