Microprocessor and Computer Architecture Model Question
Section A
Attempt any two Questions. [2 x 10 = 20]
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1. What is Microprocessor? Draw a well labeled block diagram of 8085 microprocessor and
explain it. (1 + 9)
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2. Explain the components of SAP 1 computer with its block diagram. What are different
instructions available in SAP 1 computer? (8 + 2)
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3. What is micro-operation and micro-instruction? Create a symbolic and binary microprogram for FETCH and ADD operation. (2 + 4 + 4)
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Section B
Attempt any eight questions. [8 x 5 = 40]
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4. What is DMA? Explain the basic DMA process.
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5. Write a program to perform 8 bit multiplication in 8085 processor. (Assume data and
memory yourself)
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6. Explain 4 segment instruction pipeline.
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7. Differentiate between RISC and CISC computer.
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8. Perform multiplication of (-9) x (-13) using Booth’s Multiplication algorithm.
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9. Explain about memory hierarchy in computer.
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10. What is flag? What are different flags available in 8085 microprocessor?
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11. Differentiate between microprogrammed and hardwired control unit.
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12. Write short notes: (Any two) (2 x 2. 5 = 5)
a. Flynn’s Classification
b. Memory protection
c. Memory Mapped I/O
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