Network and System Administration 2073
Attempt all the questions.
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1. a) Differentiate between windows and Linux Networking system.
b) What are the major difference between switching and routing? Explain
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2. a) Explain the job scheduling with crontab.
b) Differentiate between Linux and windows firewall configuration.
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3. a) Explian the steps of DHCP server configuration.
b) What do you mean by DNS zone transfers? Explain.
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4. a) Explain the proxy caching server configuration.
b) Explain the HTTP Server configuration.
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5. a) Explain the FTP principles with example.
b) What are the process of SAMBA configuration? Explain.
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6. a) What do u mean by SPAM? Explain the steps of SPAM filtering.
b) Explain the process of mail server configuration.
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7. Write short notes on (any three):
b. DNS Delegation
c. Proxy ACL
d. IMAP principles
e. Team Viewer
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