Numerical Method 2074

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Third Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC207 )
( Numerical Method )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions:

1. How can you use bisection method for the solution of nonlinear equations? Discuss with suitable example.(8)

8 marks view

2. Define interpolation. Find the Lagrange interpolation polynomial to fit the following data:

Use the polynomial to estimate the value of e15.            (2 + 6)

8 marks view

3. Derive trapezoidal rule to evaluate numerical integration. Use this formula to evaluate the integral             

                                                (2 + 6)

8 marks view

4. Discuss Gauss-Jordan method for solving a system of linear equations. Solve the system

        2x1 + 4x2 - 6x3 = -8

        x1 + 3x2 +x3 = 10

        2x1 - 4x2 - 2x3 = -12

Using Gauss-Jordan method.

8 marks view

5. How can you use Taylor series method to find the solution of ordinary differential equation? Use the Taylor method to solve the equation (5 + 3) y' = x2 + yfor x = 0.25 and x = 0.5 given y(0) = 1


Define boundary value problem. Use shooting method to solve the equation in the interval(1, 2).

8 marks view

6. Define partial differential equation. Discuss Laplace's equation along with its derivation.(2 + 6)

8 marks view

7. Write an algorithm and program to compute all roots of polynomial using secant method.

12 marks view