Object Oriented Programming 2074
Section A
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Attempt any two questions:(2 x 10 = 20)
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1. Write down the features of object oriented programming language and explain.
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2. Differentiate between single inheritance and multiple inheritance? Imagine a college hires some lectures. Some lectures are paid in period basic, while others are paid in month basic. Create a class called lecture that stores ID and name of lectures. From this class derive two classes: part time, which adds payperhr(type float): and full time, which adds paypermonth(type float). Each of these three classes should have a readdata() function to get its data from user at the key board and printdata() function to display the data.
Write a main() program to test the Full time and Part time classes by creating instance of them asking the user to fill their data with readdata () and display the data with printdata().
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Lecture
int id;
string name;
void readdata()
cout<<"Enter the Id of lecture:";
cout<<"Enter the name of leture:";
void printdata()
cout<<"Id of lecture : "<<id<<endl;
cout<<"Name of lecture: "<<name<<endl;
class PartTime:public Lecture
float payperhr;
void readdatapt()
cout<<"Enter the salary paid per hour: ";
void printdatapt()
cout<<"Salary paid per hour:"<<payperhr<<endl;
class FullTime:public Lecture
float paypermonth;
void readdataft()
cout<<"Enter the salary paid per month: ";
void printdataft()
cout<<"Salary paid per month:"<<paypermonth<<endl;
int main()
PartTime p1;
FullTime f1;
cout<<"***Part Time***"<<endl;
cout<<"***Displaying Data***"<<endl;
cout<<"***Full Time***"<<endl;
cout<<"***Displaying Data***"<<endl;
return 0;
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3. Why data conversion is needed? Write a program to convert kilogram into gram using user define to user define data conversion.(1 kg = 1000 gm).
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Section B
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Attempt any eight questions:(8 x 5 = 40)
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4. What is constructor ? Write a program to demonstrate constructor overloading.
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5. What is function overloading ? Explain with example.
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7. What is the role of protected access specifies in inheritance ? Explain with example.
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8. Differentiate between virtual function and pure virtual function.
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9. What is abstract base class? Give an example.
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10. Explain the role of operator overloading with example.
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11. What is friend function? Write a program to multiply any two private numbers of two different classes using friend function.
A friend function is a function that can access private members of a class even though it is not a member of that class.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class XYZ;
class ABC
int value;
value = 6;
friend int multiply(ABC, XYZ);
class XYZ
int value;
value = 4;
friend int multiply(ABC, XYZ);
int multiply( ABC v1, XYZ v2 )
return (v1.value * v2.value);
int main()
ABC a;
XYZ x;
cout << "Product of two number is : " << multiply( a, x ) << endl;
return 0;
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12. Define try, throw and catch statement in C++ with example.
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13. Differentiate between class template and function template.
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