Physics 2075
Attempt any two questions:
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1. Explain the process of semiconductor purification by describing the terms Zone refining, single crystal growth, and scheme of IC production. Give an account of electronic component fabrication on a chip.
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2. Set up differential equation for an oscillation of a spring using Hooke's and Newton's second law. Find the general solution of this equation and hence the expressions for the period, velocity and oscillation of the acceleration.
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4. Discuss magnetic dipole moment. What is its effect on atom and on molecules? Explain.
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Attempt any eight questions:
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5. Explain Blotch theorem? Discuss its use in Kronig-Penny model and hence in band theory.
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6. Explain the construction and working of bipolar junction transistor (BJT).
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7. A large wheel of radius 0.4m and moment of inertia 1.2 kg-m2, pivoted at the center, is free to rotate without friction. A rope is wound around it and a 2-kg weight is attached to the rope. When the weight has descended 1.5m from its starting position (a) what is its downward velocity? (b)what is the rotational velocity of the wheel?
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8. An electron is placed midway between two fixed charges, q1 = 2.5 x 10-10 C and q2 = 5 x 10-10 C. If the charges are 1 m apart, what is the velocity of the electron when it reaches a point 10cm from a q2?
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9. A small particle of mass 10-6 gm moves along the x axis; its speed is uncertain 10-6 m/sec. (a) What is the uncertainity in the x coordinate of the particle? Repeat the calculation for an electron assuming that the uncertainity in its velocity is also 10-6 m/sec. Use the known value for electrons and Plank's constant.
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10. What is the probability of finding a particle in a well of width a at a position a/4 from the wall if n = 1, if n = 2, if n = 3. Use the normalized wavefunction
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11. Assuming that atoms in a crystal structure and arranged as closed-packed spheres, what is the ratio of the volume of the atoms to the volume available for the simple cubic structure? Assume a one-atom basis.
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12. The output of a digital circuit (y) is given by this expression: ,where A,B and C represent inputs. Draw a circuit of above equation using OR, AND and NOT gate and hence find its truth table.
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