System Analysis and Design 2067

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Fourth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC-252 )
( System Analysis and Design )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group A

Long Answer Questions:

Attempt Any Two:                                                                                                    (2x10=20)


1.  Explain the steps in the maintenance process and contrast them with the phase of the systems development life cycle.

10 marks view

2.  Draw a DFD diagram of the following up to level 2.

Front office of Hotel is responsible for all room reservations, room allocations and final settlement of bills. Any company or person can reserve rooms for their future stay. They have to indicate from what date to what day they need the room. They also have to indicate how many rooms are required. Sometimes the reservations could be cancelled or the dates or number of rooms changed. For reservation, cancellation or modification or rooms, customer receives an acknowledgment from the hotel.

10 marks view

3.  Explain the steps of creating a decision table. How can you reduce the size and complexity of a decision table? Explain with example.

10 marks view

Group B

Short Answer Questions:

Attempt Any Eight:                                                                                                  (8x5=40)

4.  Differentiate between transaction processing system (TPS) and management information system (MIS).

5 marks view

5.  What are the management skills needed by system analysts?

5 marks view

6.  What are the three relationship types of E-R diagrams? How are these relationships paired to build an E-R diagram?

5 marks view

7.  Describe the commonly used methods for performing economic  cost-benefit analysis.

5 marks view

8.  What is the normalization of a relation? Explain with example.

5 marks view

9.  Explain the six types of files used in information systems.

5 marks view

10.  What is the role of software application testing?

5 marks view

11.  Explain the factors that influence the cost of maintenance.

5 marks view

12.  What managerial issues can be better understood by measuring maintenance effectiveness? Explain.

5 marks view

13.  Differentiate between state diagrams and sequence diagrams in object oriented analysis and design.

5 marks view