System Analysis and Design 2071
Group A
Long Answer Questions:
Attempt Any Two: (2x10=20)
AI is thinking...
1. What do you mean by Information system? Explain the types of information systems with its applications.
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2. What are the various steps of system development life cycle? What is the outcome of each step? Explain.
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3. Explain the various steps of cost benefit analysis? What are the goal and design of cost/benefit analysis? Explain.
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Group B
Short Answer Questions:
Attempt Any Eight: (8x5=40)
AI is thinking...
4. Explain the CASE tools and its applications.
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5. Why we need structured methodology? Explain.
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6. Explain the steps of information gathering with example.
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7. What are the tools for structure analysis? Explain with example.
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8. Differentiate between decision table and decision tree.
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9. What are the major differences between analysis and design? Explain.
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10. What do you mean by Normalization? Explain.
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11. Explain the various types of system testing with example.
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12. Explain the process of software maintenance.
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13. Differentiate between object modeling and dynamic modeling.
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