Theory of Computation - Unit Wise Questions
1. Define the term: Kleene closure, union, concatenation and power of an alphabet with example.
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2. Define the term: alphabet, substring/Prefix/Suffix of a string with example.
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4. Define the term alphabet, prefix and suffix of string, concatenation and Kleen closure with example.
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1. Define finite automata. Give the formal definition of deterministic finite automata with example.
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1. Define DFA and explain how it differs from NFA.
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1. What is DFA? How it differ with a NFA? Explain.
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1. How can you represent a finite Automata? Explain.
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1. What is finite automata? Define DFA with suitable example.
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1. Differentiate between deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata.
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1. Give the formal definition of DFA and NFA. How NFA can be converted into eqivalent DFA? Explain with suitable example.
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1. What do you mean by finite automata? Explain deterministic finite automata with example.
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1. Convert the following NFA-ε into equivalent NFA without ε.
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1. Define finite Automata with É› moves.Is É› NFA has more computation power than DFA?
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1. Explain the extended transition function of NFA.
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2. Construct a DFA that accepts the strings over alphabet {0,1} with odd number of 0's and even number of 1's.
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2. GIve the DFA accepting the string over {a, b} such that each string doesn't start with ab.
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2. Give the DFA for language of strings over{a,b} where no two consecutive a’s occurred.
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2. Give the DFA for language of strings over {0, 1} in which each strings end with 11.
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2. Explain the finite automata with Epsilon Transition.
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2. Differentiate DFA with NFA. Design an NFA accepting strings over {0, 1} that end in 01.
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2. Construct a DFA that accepts all the strings of alphabet {a, b} having each strings with even number of 0’s and even number of 1’s.
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2. Construct a DFA that accepts only the strings ab, abb and baa not more from {a, b}*.
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3. How can you convert an É›-NFA into equivalent DFA? Explain.
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3. Define the ε-closure of a state of ε-NFA with an example.
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3. What do you mean by ε-closure of a state in NFA with epsilon moves. Explain with an example.
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3. Give formal notation for an ε-NFA with example.
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4. Give the formal definition of DFA. Construct a DFA accepting all strings of {0, 1} with even number of 0's and even number of 1's. (2+3)
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8. Compare FA, NFA and NFA- ε with illustration.
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9. What is finite automata? Describe its different variations with suitable examples.
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9. Define finite automata and draw FA for the strings.
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9. Describe the extended transition function of a NFA. Construct a NFA accepting the language over {a, b}* with each strings containing three consecutive b's. Show by extended function that it accepts abbb.
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9. Convert the following NFA into equivalent DFA.
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9. Explain about sub-set construction method to convert a NFA into equivalent DFA with suitable example.
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9. How a ε-NFA can be converted into NFA and DFA? Explain with a suitable example.
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9. Show that a language L is accepted by some DFA if and only if L is accepted by some NFA.
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9. Design a constructive method to prove that the complement of the language accepted by an NFA is accepted by a DFA.
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9. Construct a NFA accepting language of {0, 1} with each string ending with 01 and convert it into equivalent DFA. (2+3)
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10. Convert the following NFA into equivalent DFA using subset construction and also show the transition diagram for this DFA.
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10. Describe the method of subset construction to convert a given NFA into equivalent DFA with suitable example.
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10. How a NFA can be converted into a DFA? Convert the following NFA into equivalent DFA.
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10. Prove that for any given NFA N accepting a language L there exists a DFA D such that L(N) = L(D).
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11. Define the non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) and write down recursive definition of for NFA.
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11. Show that a language L is accepted by some DFA if and only if L is accepted by s.
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1. Define the NFA with ε-transition and ε-closure of a state. Show that for every regular expression r, representing a language L, there is ε-NFA accepting the same language. Also convert regular expression (a+b)*ab* into equivalent Finite Automata. (2+6+2)
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2. Find the regular expression describing following languages over alphabet {0, 1}*.
a) The language all strings containing at least two 0's.
b) The language of all strings containing both 00 and 010 as substring.
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2. What do you mean by pumping lemma for regular languages?
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2. Find the minimum state DFA for the given DFA below.
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3. Show that language of palindrome over {a,b} is not a regular language.
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3. For a regular expression (a+b)*baa, construct ε-NFA.
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3. Find the regular expression corresponding to the following languages over {0, 1}*.
a) The language of all strings containing exactly two 0's.
b) The language of all strings containing 00 or
as substrings.
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3. Construct FA recognizing the languages described by following regular expressions.
a) (10*+01*)11*
b) (0+1)*(01+1000)0*
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3. Give the regular expression for the following languages.
a. L={SS ∈ {a, b}* and S starts with aa or b and does not contains substring bb.
b. L={S|S ∈ {0, 1}* and 0 occurs in pairs if any and ends with 1.
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4. Give the regular expression for the following languages over alphabet {a, b}
a. Set of all strings ending with substring ab.
b. Set of all strings with 2nd and 4th symbol is b.
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4. Define Turing Machines. Draw NFA - ε corresponding to following regular expression over ∑ = {0,1}
010* + 0(01+10)* 11
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4. Write regular expression for the set of strings of 0's and 1's with at most one pair of consecutive 1's.
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4. Write regular expression for the following regular languages.
a) The set of strings over a alphabet {a, b} containing at least one 'a' and at least one 'b'.
b) The set of strings over {0, 1} whose 5th symbol from right end is 1.
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4. What are the regular operators applied to the regular languages? Explain with example.
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4. Construct the FA recognizing the language corresponding to the following regular expressions.
(11 + 10)*01
(111 + 100)*10
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5. State the pumping lemma for regular language. Show by example, how can you use it to prove that a language is not regular.
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5. Simplify the following regular expressions.
É›+0+1+( É›+0+1)( É›+0+1)*( É›+0+1)
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5. Give the regular expressions for the following language over alphabet{a,b},
a. Set of all strings with substring bab ar abb
b. Set of all strings whose 3rd symbol is 'a' and 5th symbol is 'b'
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6. Show that L = {an | n is a prime number} is not a regular language.
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6. Give the regular expressions for following language over alphabet {0, 1}. (2.5+2.5)
a. Set of all strings with 2nd symbol from right is 1.
b. Set of all strings starting with 00 or 11 and ending with 10 or 01.
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7. Show that language L={0m1m | m>=1} is not a regular language.
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9. What are the algebraic rules for regular expressions? Also show that if L, M, N are any regular language then show that L(M U N) = L.M U L.N.
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9. Show that for any regular expression, there is a NFA that accepts the same language represented by r. Convert the regular expression (a+b) (aa+ba)* + ab(a+b)* bba into NFA.
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10. What do you mean by regular expressions? Explain with example of pumping lemma for regular languages.
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9. Convert the following regular expression into ε-NFA.
a) 01* b) (0+1)01* c) 00+(0+1)*100*
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10. State and prove pumping lemma for regular language. Show by example how it can be used to prove a language is not a regular.
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10. For the following regular expression draw an ε- NFA recognizing the corresponding languages.
i. (00 +1)*(10)*
ii. 001*0*11
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10. How do you convert a regular expression to automata? Convert the regular expression (0+1)*1(0+1) to auatomata.
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10. Find the minimum state DFA equivalent to the following DFA.
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10. State and prove the pumping lemma for regular language. Explain about its application.
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11. Convert the following DFA into minimum-state equivalent DFA.
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11. Explain about the closure properties of regular languages. Show that for any regular languages L1 and L2, L1∪L2 is also regualr.
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12. What is a regular grammar? Explain with example, about the method of converting a regular grammar into equivalent Finite Automata.
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13. Prove that any regular language can be accepted by a finite automata with all details.
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3. Explain the closure properties of context free languages with example.
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4. Define the term parse tree, regular grammar, sequential form and ambiguous grammar.
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4. What do you mean by a CFG in CNF? What are the criteria to be a CFG in CNF? Explain.
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4. Convert following regular grammar into Finite Automata.
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4. What do you mean by a CNF grammar? Convert following grammar in CNF.
→ AC|ɛ, A → aS|a, C → BC|aC|b.
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5. Define the term Regular Grammar. What is the relation of Regular Grammar with other grammars? Explain.
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5. What is CFG? Design CFG for palindromes with alphabets {0, 1}.
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5. Given the following grammar
Remove the immediate left recursion from the grammar.
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5. What do you mean by a CNF grammar? Convert following grammar into CNF.
S→ ABa, A→ aab, B→ AC
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6. what do you mean by a CNF grammar? Convert the following grammar into CNF.
S→abSb | aa
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5. Define Chomsky Normal Form and Greibach Normal Form in reference to CFG. Give a suitable example of each. (2.5+2.5)
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7. what are unrestricted grammar? How they differ with CFG? Explain.
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8. Explain about the Unrestricted Grammar.
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7. Explain about the Chomsky's Hierarchy about the language and grammars.
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9. Convert the following grammar into Chomsky Normal Form.
S → abSb | a | aAb
A → bS | aAAb | ε
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10. Define the term immediate left recursion. How can you convert a grammar with immediate left recursion into equivalent grammar without left recursion? Remove left recursion from the following grammar.
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11. Define CFG. Convert the following CFG into Chomsky Normal Form.
S →
→ Aa|a,
B → Bb|b|ɛ
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11. Convert the following grammar into Chomsky Normal Form.
S→ ASB|ε
A →aAS|bAS|a
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11. Define CFG. Prove the following CFG is ambiguous.
| S*S | (S) | a
the unambiguous CFG for the above grammar.
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11. Define Context Free Grammar. Given the following CFG.
S →0AS | 0, A → SIA| SS | 10
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11. Define regular grammar. Show with suitable example that the language described by regular grammar are accepted by a finite automata.
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12. Given the following grammar,
S → AAC |
A → aAb | ab | ɛ
→ aC | a | ɛ
Simplify the grammar and convert it
into equivalent grammar in CNF.
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12. Convert the following CFG into CNF.
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12. What do you mean by the Chomsky Hierarchy in the formal language theory? Explain in detail.
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13. Give a detailed description of ambiguity in context free grammar.
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14. Explain about the Chomsky Hierarchy of the language.
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2. How can you define the language accepted by a PDA? Explain how a PDA accepting language by empty stack is converted into an equivalent PDA accepting by final state and vice-versa. (2+4+4)
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3. Explain the non-deterministic PDA with example.
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4. Differentiate between deterministic and non-deterministic PDA.
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5. Give the formal definition of NPDA. How it differs with DPDA? Explain.
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5. Define Deterministic Push Down Automata. How it differs with a Finite Automata.
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5. Convert following grammar into equivalent PDA
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6. How can you convert a CFG into equivalent PDA? Explain with example.
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6. Construct a PDA accepting L={w | w has equal no. of a's and b's}.
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6. What is PDA? How is it different from finite automata?
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6. Explain the method to convert a given CFG into equivalent PDA.
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8. Define a Push Down Automata. Construct a PDA that accept L = {anbn | n>=0}.
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10. Construct a PDA accepting language over {0, 1} representing strings with equal no of 0s and1s. Show by sequence of IDs that 0101 is accepted by this PDA. (3+2)
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11. Construct a PDA that accepts the strings of language L={ wwR | w is in {a, b}*}.
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11. Give the formal definition of Push Down Automata. Construct a PDA accepting the language
L = {0n1n | n > 0}
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12. Construct a Push Down Automata that accepts all the strings from alphabet {0, 1} with equal number of 0 and 1. Show that 0110 is accepted by this PDA and 01101 is not.
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12. Define the language of PDA that accepts by Final State. Explain how a PDA accepting empty stack can be converted into a PDA by final state.
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12. Define deterministic PDA. Design a PDA that accept a language L = {anbn | n>0}. You may accept either by empty stack or by final state.
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12. Define the language of PDA that accepts by Final state. Explain, how a PDA accepting by empty stack can be converted into a PDA final state.
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13. Discuss the equivalent of PDA and CFG. Convert the grammar
to a PDA that accepts the same language by empty stack.
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13. Define PDA. Explain how a PDA accepting by empty stack is converted into equivalent PDA accepting same language by final state.
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13. Construct a PDA that accepts a language of palindrome of even length from an alphabet {a,b}.
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3. Construct a Turing Machine that accepts the language of odd length strings over alphabet {a, b}. Give the complete encoding for this TM as well as its input string w = abb in binary alphabet that is recoginzed by Universal Turing Machine.
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3. Define a Turing machine. Construct a TM that accept L = {wcwR | w∈(0, 1) and c is ε or 0 or 1. Show that string 0110 is accepted by this TM with sequence of Instantaneous Description (ID). (2+6+2)
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5. Explain the non-deterministic Turing machines with example.
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5. Explain about recursive enumerable and recursive language.
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6. Construct a Turning Machine that accepts a language of strings over (a, b) with each string of even length. Show how it accepts string abab.
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6. Define the Turing machine. What are the roles of Turing machines?
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6. Give formal definition of Turing Machine. Explain the roles of Turing Machine.
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6. What is a multi track Turing Machine? How it differs with single track machine?
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6. Define the universal Turing machine and describe its role.
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7. Give the formal definition of Turning Machine. How it differs from PDA?
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7. Construct a Turing machine that accepts the language of palindrome over {a,b}* with each strings of even length.
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7. What is a universal Turing machine?
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7. What is a Turing Machine? Give formal definition. How it differ from FA?
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7. Design a Turing machine that accepts the language {0n1n|n≥1} over {0, 1}.
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7. Construct a Turing Machine that accepts the language of palindrome over {a, b}* with each string of odd length.
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7. Describe the Turing machine. Construct a TM that accepts even length strings from alphabet {0, 1}.
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8. Explain, how can you encode a Turing machine into universal language.
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8. What is an algorithm? Explain on the basis of Church Hypothesis.
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8. What is universal language? Explain.
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8. What is recursive language? Explain.
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8. What is the role of a Turing machine? Explain.
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8. Describe the Turing machines with multiple tape, multiple track and storage in state. (5)
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10. Define Turing Machine and explain its different variations.
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11. Define complexity of a Turing machine. Explain about big Oh, big Omega and big Theta notation used for complexity measurement. (1+4)
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11. What do you mean by computational Complexity? Explain about the time and space complexity of a Turing machine.
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12. Describe multi tape Turing machine. Show that multi-tape Turing machine and one tape Turing machines are equivalent.
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12. Draw Turing machine to accept palindromes over {a, b}.
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12. Draw Turing Machine (TM) to accept palindromes over {a, b}. (Even as well as odd Palindromes).
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13. How can you show that the one tape Turing machine and multi-tape Turing machine are equivalent? Explain in detail.
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13. Explain about multi tape TM. Show that every language accepted by a multi-tape Turning Machine is also accepted by one tape Turning Machine.
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13. Describe a Universal Turing Machine and its operations. What types of languages are accepted by Universal TM?
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13. Explain about multi tape TM. Show that every language accepted by a multi-tape Turing Machine is also accepted by one tape Turing Machine.
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13. Define Turing Machine. Construct the Turing machine that accepts the languages
L={anbn | n>=0}
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14. What is Universal Turing machine? Explain about the working mechanism of Universal Turing machine for processing the binary code input for (T, w) where T is specific Turing machine and w is input to T.
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14. Show that a Turing Machine with one tape and a Turing Machine with multiple tape are equivalent.
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14. Explain the term Turing acceptable and Turing decidable. Show that if L is recursive language then complement of L is also recursive.
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6. Explain the computational complexity with example.
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7. What do you mean by problem reduction? Also explain about NP-Completeness.
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7. Differentiate between class P and class NP.
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7. Show that the complement of a recursive language is recursive.
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8. Differentiate between class P and class NP.
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8. What do you mean by Intractability? Explain in brief.
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8. Define the term Class P and Class NP with example.
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8. What do you mean by tractable and intractable problems? Is intractable problems are solvable by Turing machine?
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12. What do you mean by tractable and Intractable problems?Explain with reference to TM. (5)
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12. Explain the term Intractability. Is SAT problem is intractable? Justify.
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13. Define class P and NP with example. Show that: If P1 is NP complete and there is a polynomial time reduction of p1 to P2 then P2 is NP-complete.
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14. Write short notes on (Any two):
a) Solvable vs Unsolvable problems
b) CNF Satisfiability
c) Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages
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14. Write short notes on:
Decidable Vs
Un-decidable problems.
Unrestricted Grammar
CNF-SAT Problem.
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14. Write short notes on:
a) Turing maching
b) Classes P and NP
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14. Explain the following terms.
(a) Big Oh and Big Omega
(b) Class P and NP
(c) CNF SAT Problem
Turing Decidable and Acceptable problems.
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14. Explain the following:
Minimization of finite
state machine
Push down automata (PDA).
Halting problems
Computational complexity
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14. Explain the following:
Regular Grammar
Halting problem
Chomsky hierarchy
NP-complete Problem
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14. Write short notes on (Any two):
a) Unrestricted Grammar
b) Universal Turing Machine
c) CNF-SAT problem Complexity
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