Wireless Networking 2076 (new)
Section A
Long Answer questions
Attempt any two questions[2x10=20]
1. Calculate the median path loss using Okumura's model for the distance of 75km with base station height of 5m in a saburban environment. If the base station transmitter radiates an EIRP of 1KW at a carrier frequency of 900MHz, find the power at the receiver assuming unity gain for the receiving antenna.[10]
2. Differentiate between low pass, and pass, and high pass transmission. Explain SIP architecture.(4+6)
3. What is conflict free multiple access? List out the conflict free multiple access technologies used in wireless communication and explain each briefly.(2+8)
Section B
Short answer questions(8 x 5 = 40)
Attempt any eight questions(8x5=40)
4. Why wireless communication standards are required? Explain IEEE 802 15 (1+4)
5. Differentiate between time invariant and time variant system with examples.(5)
6. What is the use of power spectral density? Define OFDM.(2+3)
7. How linear equalization is carried out? Define FDMA.(2+3)
8. What is frequency reuse? How can it be achieved? Why is it necessary?(1+2+2)
9. Why handoff is required in wireless communication? Explain its procedure.(2+3)
10. Compare and contrast on IPv4 and IPv6 packets. Which is better and why?(4+1)
11. What are the vision and main features of 5G? Explain RFID.(2+3)
12. Write short notes on(2x2.5)
a. Open BTS
b. Tunneling