Compiler Design and Construction - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

5.  Define Syntax directed definition. Construct annotated parse tree for the input expression (5*3+2)*5 according to the following syntax directed definition.


Semantic Rule

L -> En

Print E.val

E -> E1 + T

E.val -> E1.val + T.val

E -> T

E.val ->T.val

T -> T1 * F

T.val -> T1.val * F.val

T -> F

T.val -> F.val

F -> (E)

F.val -> (E.val)

F -> digit

F.val -> digit.lexval

6 marks
Asked in 2076


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A syntax-directed definition (SDD) is a context-free grammar together with attributes and rules. Attributes are associated with grammar symbols and rules are associated with productions. For example,


Semantic Rules

E → E1 + T

E.val = E1.val+T.val

E → T

E.val = T.val

The annotated parse tree for the input expression (5*3+2)*5 using given syntax directed definition is shown below: