Technical Writing - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

10. Based on your experience, write instructions for new students, explaining how to register for classes or for a particular program.

5 marks
Asked in Model Question


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Instructions provide an overview of the device, such as the purpose of the instructions or functional and starting state of the device. Instructions also specify the materials including sizes, part numbers and quantities needed to complete the procedure. In each step, usually numbered, the writers use active sentence and imperative mood with the use of second person pronoun 'you'. Instructions also include graphics when needed for clarity or understanding the text, or add a description under the graphic to orient the reader to the figure. A conclusion is also included at the end of instructions so as to describe the final state or optional procedures.

 Please follow the following instructions to register for a new class:

1. Collect enrollment form from the accounts section of the school.

2.Fill up the form and submit it along with your two recently taken photographs and a photocopy of mark sheet of previous class.

3. Submit the form and get the entrance examination date.

4.Appear for the examination and wait for the results.

5. After your results are out, pay the admission fee in the accounts section and get enrolled in the new classroom.