Technical Writing Model Question

Question Paper Details
Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question
Bachelor Level / Sixth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC368 )
( Technical Writing )
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

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Attempt any THREE questions. (3 × 10 = 30)

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1. What is technical writing? Distinguish between technical writing and academic writing.

10 marks
Official Answer

Technical Writing is the practice of documenting processes such as software manuals or instruction manuals. There are various types of product users and audiences. These audiences lie on a different level on the basis of what they can understand and how they perform various various activities. Technical writing focuses on these audiences and hence makes sure that all these types of audience understand exactly what has been intended to be delivered. Hence, Technical writing is writing or drafting technical communication used in technical and occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, medical, consumer electronics, biotechnology, and forestry. Technical writing encompasses the largest sub-field in technical communication.

    Some of the differences between technical writing and academic writing are as follows:

Technical Writing

Academic Writing

It is a formal-format based writing.

It follows informal format.

It is targeted to the audiences of all levels of understanding.

It is targeted for specific audiences.

Technical writing contains factual and straight forward content.

Academic writing contains contents on specific discipline or field.

Technical writers should have expert knowledge.

Academic writers have learners knowledge.

It covers scientific and technical subjects.

It covers academic-based subjects.

Its purpose is getting something done.

Its purposes is to demonstrate what a person knows.

In technical writing graphics, charts and numbers are used very frequently to support conclusion.

In academic writing graphics, charts and numbers are sometimes used to explain the concept well.

Own or personal point views are not included.

Own or personal point of view may be included.

Literative language is used.

Figurative language is used.

It covers neutral content.

It covers opinionated content.

It follows unemotional tone.

It follows conversational tone.

Audience of Technical writing may be several people who are specifically belongs to the same technical field.

Audience of academic writing may be a teacher or students or some people related to filed.

In technical writing the knowledge of topic is more than the reader who is going through it.

In academic writing the knowledge of topic is less than the teacher who is evaluating the topic.

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2. As writing is not an overnight endeavor it follows a certain process. Discuss a process for technical writing.

10 marks
Official Answer

The process of technical writing takes a considerable amount of time to plan and review the entire documentation than to write. It follows a specific set of steps. This process of technical writing can be categorized into two different approaches. One, based on the approach a professional writer takes, the means are defined, and the second is based on how the document goes through various cycles or phases. The process of planning what to write plays a crucial part in making our document or content creation time more valuable. On the other hand, the review phase will be vital for ensuring whether our document is officially sound and accurate as well as presentable to the audience or not. Before beginning with the first word, it is necessary to collect some specific information regarding the topic. So, it is a smart approach to plan first and then write.

Other than these two processing stages, there are some other essential components that a technical writer should go through to prepare the document on any particular subject or topic.

·  Preparing the Project: This process of making a document triggers as the technical document is requested to process. This process may be commenced by a colleague, an employer, or any client of your company or firm. As per the information gathered from the discussion, the preliminary requirements are definite. The technical writer needs to have a fair idea of what should be the document type, content, subject area, or domain of writing, scope, and goals, as well as the most important, who will be the target audience.

·  Project Understandability: A conversation without understanding what to write in the document is valueless or of no use.  The technical writer or author should have a clear understanding of the project. Questions that can be asked to clarify the project technicalities are another crucial stage for writing.

·  Analyzing the Audience Thoroughly: After the client's early project preparation is done, the major writing factor is your audience. They are always at the forefront of the mind of technical writers. Usually, technical information won't change. So, the change will be how those facts are expressed understandably.

 ·  User Understanding: For knowing for whom the document is being drafted, the writer should have to collect as much data as possible regarding who will make use of the document. It should focus on whether the audience has expertise in any particular field, or if that topic is entirely new to them, or whether they lie somewhere in between the above said.

The writer has to keep in mind that the reader's goal is what guides the entire writing progression where the documentation must fill their needs and the answer to their questions.

For having a clear understanding of  reader(s), the technical writer have to ask yourself the following questions:

  •  Who are they?
  • What do they need?
  • When will they be reading?
  • Why will they be reading?
  • Where will they be reading?
  • How will they be reading?

Once these questions have been answered , then it is are to go and draft the entire document.

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3. What is ethics? How do an ethical dilemma and a legal dilemma differ? Discuss with examples.

10 marks
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4. What are graphics? How are they used in technical writing?

10 marks
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Section B

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Attempt any TEN questions. (10 × 5 = 50)

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5. Write a short report describing the writing skills a computer network administrator requires.

5 marks
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6. Write a letter to your employer requesting a two-day leave for a special event, such as brother or sister’s wedding.

5 marks
Official Answer

Koteshwor, Kathmandu




The Manager,

ABC Company,

Kathmandu, Nepal

                                    Subject: Application for leave

Dear sir,

Most humbly and respectfully, I would like to request you to kindly grant me a leave for two days as I will have to go to Ramechhap for my sister’s wedding. It is a part of my culture and I have certain roles to play during the time of the wedding. Hence, my presence is essential day. Therefore, I would like to request you to kindly comply with my request.

I promise to cover my missed tasks after I get back.

If there are any questions or concerns, you can reach me at 9843123456, and while on vacation, I will constantly be checking my email. You can reach me at during vacations.

Please let me know if my vacation request is approved, so I can book the flights and tickets accordingly. Thank you so much for the patience and consideration of my request.  


Yours Sincerely


Project Manager

ABC company

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7. You are calling a client to set up an interview about a new type of Internet system in his or her office. What arrangements should you discuss with him or her? Make a list of at least three areas you need to cover in the phone call to set up an interview.

5 marks
Official Answer

The three areas that need to be covered for the above-conditioned phone call interview are as follows:

Physical Description:

The technical description of an object generally starts with the general information, and proceeds to specific information. Regardless of the object being described, a physical description has the same purpose: to present the facts about the object.


An analogy is a formal comparison based on the resemblance of two unrelated objects or ideas. An analogy is useful only if the two concepts have more than one similarity. For  technical audiences, we must include the specific details and terms used in the industry.


Technical descriptions sometimes compare unfamiliar objects or concepts to familiar objects or concepts. In technology, people need to express values, shapes, angles and joints in concrete, meaningful terms.

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8. Write an email encouraging your staff to work for some additional hours every week so that the company and staff equally benefit.

5 marks
Official Answer



Subject: Working extra hours

Dear Staffs,

   As we all know that this is the closing month of the official governmental and non-governmental institutions. By the end of this month, we will have to submit all our financial documents to the government. We have a lot more to cover up and this can only be made possible if we all put in a little extra more effort into our work. We all are working very hard for the office and I am proud of all of you. But I will be needing you to help me during this month by working an extra shift. I shall be providing overtime payments and lunch to all of you. This will benefit both the office and all of us too.

Sincerely Yours



XYZ school

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9. Write a brief newspaper article explaining the importance of training for the staff of a company.

5 marks
Official Answer

Importance of Training staffs

Friday, 9th March, Kathmandu (PR): Staffs are the building blocks of an organization. The success of an organization totally depends upon the quality of the staff it holds. Staffs are hence, important assets of an organization.

This is the technology of science and technology. Many of our works are now carried out with the tools provided by the technology. Hence, it is utterly important that our staffs are used to these tools. The offices have now started to provide trainings to staffs in the same field so that they can get a better profit. The companies where the staffs are trained to use these tools have also found to be performing tremendously better than the others.

Employee training and development programs are essential to the success of businesses worldwide. Not only do these programs offer opportunities for staff to improve their skills, but also for employers to enhance employee productivity and improve company culture. Hence, organizations should strive to train staffs so as to attain their foreseen goal easily and in a good time span.

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10. Based on your experience, write instructions for new students, explaining how to register for classes or for a particular program.

5 marks
Official Answer

Instructions provide an overview of the device, such as the purpose of the instructions or functional and starting state of the device. Instructions also specify the materials including sizes, part numbers and quantities needed to complete the procedure. In each step, usually numbered, the writers use active sentence and imperative mood with the use of second person pronoun 'you'. Instructions also include graphics when needed for clarity or understanding the text, or add a description under the graphic to orient the reader to the figure. A conclusion is also included at the end of instructions so as to describe the final state or optional procedures.

 Please follow the following instructions to register for a new class:

1. Collect enrollment form from the accounts section of the school.

2.Fill up the form and submit it along with your two recently taken photographs and a photocopy of mark sheet of previous class.

3. Submit the form and get the entrance examination date.

4.Appear for the examination and wait for the results.

5. After your results are out, pay the admission fee in the accounts section and get enrolled in the new classroom.

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11. Write a functional resume highlighting your skills for a job in your field.

5 marks
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12. Considering audience and purpose, write a short speech you are going to deliver in the inaugural session of the College IT Fair.

5 marks
Official Answer

Good morning everybody. Respected principal sir, teachers and my dear students. I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to share my few words in front of all of you during our IT Fair. We all know that this is the era of science and technology. IT is everywhere. Everything we do today have been made easier due to the advancement of IT. IT has not just made our works simpler, but has also helped us to do our work more efficiently and in short time.

I can see that various IT based projects have been set up by the students in the fair and I am very happy to see all the young innovative minds in the fair today. IT is the future and we should all be able to walk with it. The importance of IT cannot be explained in words. Robots, computers and name it- everything we see around us are the aspects of IT. They have made this big world a small place to live in. Telecommunication has been made possible due to IT.

Hence, IT has been playing an important role in almost all the aspects today. I would like to request all of my dear student to generate new ideas and take more participations in events like these so that we can cope up with the changing world.

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13. Suggesting an action or a program, write a recommendation report to your ward office so that the entire environment of your community significantly improves.

5 marks
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14. Write a brief proposal on a problem you have been facing as a student of your college.

5 marks
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15. Imagine you are the manager of a company. You need to inform your staff that a new product is being launched on the occasion of New Year. Prepare a memo so that your staff understand and execute your plan.

5 marks
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