Technical Writing - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

12. Considering audience and purpose, write a short speech you are going to deliver in the inaugural session of the College IT Fair.

5 marks
Asked in Model Question


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Official Answer

Good morning everybody. Respected principal sir, teachers and my dear students. I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to share my few words in front of all of you during our IT Fair. We all know that this is the era of science and technology. IT is everywhere. Everything we do today have been made easier due to the advancement of IT. IT has not just made our works simpler, but has also helped us to do our work more efficiently and in short time.

I can see that various IT based projects have been set up by the students in the fair and I am very happy to see all the young innovative minds in the fair today. IT is the future and we should all be able to walk with it. The importance of IT cannot be explained in words. Robots, computers and name it- everything we see around us are the aspects of IT. They have made this big world a small place to live in. Telecommunication has been made possible due to IT.

Hence, IT has been playing an important role in almost all the aspects today. I would like to request all of my dear student to generate new ideas and take more participations in events like these so that we can cope up with the changing world.